"Damn" Reminds Us Kendrick Is Top Dog
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"Damn" Reminds Us Kendrick Is Top Dog

Let's face facts, Kendrick is the #1 rapper in the game.

"Damn" Reminds Us Kendrick Is Top Dog

Let’s talk about Cornrow Kenny, K. Dot, Kung-Fu Kenny, King Kunta, the good kid from the mad city: Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick only recently dropped his newest album “Damn” and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, with some already praising the album as a classic. Although I loved the album, I couldn’t help but have one overwhelming thought throughout the album: Big Sean and Drake want absolutely zero parts of a beef with Kendrick.

I know that I don’t exactly have hot take when I say that, but I think it’s important to remember. Still, let’s talk about why a beef with Kendrick for either Sean or Drake would be completely one sided in favor of the Compton kid.

First of all, in the eyes of the fans, they simply can’t win. Big Sean and Drake both have rabid fan bases that adamantly support them. Both artists serve as some of the cool kids in school, but if Sean is Fonze and Drake is Zack Morris, then Kendrick is Ferris Bueller. Sure, some people think Fonze is cool and Zack Morris is as beloved as they come, but EVERYONE loves Ferris Bueller.

Traditional hip-hop heads, causal listeners, people who don’t typically listen to any rap, intellectuals, thugs, my mother, your mother, everyone. A big part of winning a beef is public opinion, and Kendrick has had the love of the public since he was just a kid dropping mixtapes in Compton.

Let’s also compare bodies of work. I don’t think I’m surprising anyone by saying that Big Sean’s catalog of albums pales in comparison to Kendrick’s (or even Drake’s for that matter). Big Sean’s first album was as forgettable as it was hyped prior to release. Big Sean’s best solo project is “I Decided” which still isn’t as good as Kendrick or Drake’s best albums.

As for Drake, his discography is lined with great music. His last two projects, however, “Views” and “More Life” were far from the best of his work, but, to be fair, music at the tail end of Drake’s collection is still above average. Both of these artists are great, but compared to Kendrick’s catalog of universally praised music they both fall short.

It’s also important to remember that Kendrick has been battle tested, going head to head with rappers on the streets of Compton. This is the same MC who was willing to tell everyone to step their game up and named names. If Kendrick is scared of seeing anyone in a beef, he’s certainly good at hiding it.

Big Sean, on the other hand, has never really been involved in any disputes. Maybe he’d thrive in a back and forth with another MC, but until we have proof of that he’s not holding a strong hand. Drake has had his fair share of beef. He’s butted heads with Common and Jay-Z and has lived to tell the tale. And we all remember how Meek was “getting bodied by a singing *****”.

But Kendrick is an entirely different animal. He holds both the lyrical depth that people crave in a rap artist and the commercial appeal that Drake thrives on. Common and Jay-Z only seemed half invested in their beefs with Drizzy, but Drake would have Kendrick’s undivided attention and, unlike Meek, he’d have plenty more to talk about than his Rollie (we get it you bought a platinum Rollie, WHO CARES).

Lastly, this all comes down to bars and Kendrick wins that battle 9/10. I mean I could go in detail like I did with other factors, but Drake once rapped “Just cause he got heart doesn’t mean he got heart/ Just cause he in the field doesn’t mean he in the field.” He tried to rhyme heart with heart and field with field which no one would ever in the history of ever because it’s so ridiculous. And Big Sean is great lyrically…when he isn’t trying his hardest to channel Ludacris with his flow…which he rarely doesn’t do.

Bottom line, Kendrick would handily defeat either of these guys in a beef. The fact that they both dropped projects in the last couple of months and Kendrick has instantly outdone both of them is just another reminder that Kendrick is at the top of the food chain.

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