Now, this is mostly from a past standpoint, as I have reached a point in my faith where I don't struggle as frequently with doubts. But I know that there are people out there who do. At this point in our lives, we get sent to college and we stand the ultimate test of our faith. We are suddenly thrown into this big ocean of a world, and told to stay afloat or drown. But the one thing nobody tells you is that you will have questions. So many questions.
Now, you do learn in school that you can't ask too many questions, but the one area I think we forget that questions are acceptable is when it comes down to a question about our faith. We seem to live in this bubble where if you have a question, you may not actually have salvation. Wrong. They way I see it, we serve this God whose wisdom is infinite. But as His creations, we only have the capacity to understand a finite amount of information. Having said this, it looks like there's no possible way that we could live this crazy life without questions.
Doubt is just a part of life. It's going to happen, because we're only human. The thing about it is, though, we should be careful not to let our doubt become bigger than our faith. This is easier said than done. Trust me, I know. There's a story in the scriptures where Jesus' followers come across a man who was possessed by a demon. Now, it's evident that demons exist and even tremble at the name of my savior, but I would probably experience some major doubt if I came across a man possessed by a demon. I think that's what happened to the disciples. They tried to cast out the demon, but due to a lack of faith, they failed. But my Jesus did what he does best: He demonstrated his immeasurable faith and did the impossible. Jesus cast that demon out onto a herd of wild pigs, and the demon dared not take up in another person, for it had seen Jesus.
Matthew 17:19-20 says, "Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked 'Why couldn't we drive it out?' Jesus replied, 'Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'
Our faith is going to be tested by the constant tragedy surrounding us in this world. By professors who don't see eye to eye with Christians. By our government. Our faith will be shaken. So let's just go on and get this out there: Ask the questions. Ask them all. There's nothing wrong with needing to be sure. Go to someone wiser, someone who has been there, we all have, and just crush the doubt. Doubt your doubt, restore your faith.
One last thing: Here is a cool link to some wicked spoken word poetry that's all about crushing doubt with faith! Check it out!