Here I am once again with my latest obsessions! Some of these songs are songs that I have loved for a very long time, while others are songs I have just recently discovered. Either way, I have had these songs on my Bliss 2.0 playlist for the past week (No, there really isn't a logical explanation to why I named the playlist that...) So sit back, relax and enjoy some great jams!
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College Life: As Told By Bob's Burgers
If there's anyone who understand the struggles of college, it's the Belcher family
College is a time of gaining independence, exploring new things, and copious amounts of Netflix. If you're like me, you often find yourself laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the situations you find yourself in. Here are ten times Bob's Burgers accurately captured college life.
1. What you're pretty sure your upstairs neighbors do at 3am every morning.
2. The way you feel during a busy week.
3. When you learn the power of empathy.
4. You can never figure out how you gained that freshman 15.
5. When you get your first taste of independence.
6. When you're overwhelmed by all the new single hotties.
7. When you come home a completely different person.
8.The way you get yourself through the week.
9. When you're contemplating if you really need a degree.
10. You know it's a miracle you've survived college, but you're not claiming to be special.
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Student Life
Why Theater Kids Are the Greatest People Ever
Supportive and spontaneous human beings are the best.
Throughout school, the theater department has always been my go-to place with go-to people when I need advice, a dance party, or just someone to listen to me vent.
You never know what's going to happen when you're dealing with theatre or what kind of characters you'll encounter. We have too much fun doing anything! One time in my senior year acting class, we spent an entire class period watching Bob's Burgers, and it was the greatest class period ever.
In high school, I was a theatre focus, which meant I took mostly theatre classes aside form the core History, English, Math, and Foreign Language classes. My acting classes were always very small as I went to a small school, but my class size for my sophomore, junior, and senior years of high school had three to four people in them. And, it was the same people too, so we were super close. It's the little things that people do that really matter to me, and my friends and professors in theater have always done these little things.
Actors, actresses, stage managers, lighting designers, and practically everyone is so welcoming! Like many students at Rollins, my first semester at college was the first semester I was in a new place with new people far away from home. And, it was very different. Luckily, my freshman RCC course was like a little family! Every Monday and Wednesday, I could not wait to meet in the Fred Stone Theatre and play improvisation games for two hours with my new little family! My peer mentors were so supportive and hilarious, and my advisor happened to be in the theater department, so naturally I spent way too much time in the theater, between classes and advising sessions.
The first person I met in my Summer Orientation group was Nick D’Alessandro, who is very involved in the theater and an amazing person. Immediately, we bonded over the fact that we were the only non-athletic people in our group.
We are still great friends and I am always so happy to see him in shows and everything else that he does. Aside from Nick and some of my RCC homies, I did not know anyone else involved in theater, but when I was an assistant stage manager for Machinal, everyone was so welcoming. Granted, the director was my RCC professor, but still the cast and crew were so helpful and people already considered me a friend.
Another added benefit of having theater friends is they literally do not care if you start spontaneously singing, laughing, or skipping across campus. Literally, whenever I see one of my friends, sisters, or someone I kind of know, I get so excited! My theater friends always are equally as excited if not more excited than I am, and we always greet each other as if we haven’t seen each other in years. Sometimes, that’s the best moment of my day.
Theater people are amazing, and you should get to know them if you don't already.
Peace, love, theater.
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Reasons Mom's are Truly a Gift from God
Here are just a few of those things.
30 January
In honor of Mother’s Day, I have been thinking of all the things my mom does for my family and me. Although I couldn’t write nearly all of them, here are a few things that moms do for us.
They find that shirt that’s right in front of you, but just you can’t seem to find.
Sometimes we have trouble seeing things that are right in front of us, but sometimes things are hiding and only our mom can seem to find them. She somehow remembers where everything gets placed, and everyone in our family is lucky that she does otherwise no one would know where anything is at. It has to be some sort of superpower.
They love you unconditionally.
In the presence of your mom, you can always feel safe. Whether you mess up for the thousandth time or do something they don’t necessarily approve of, they will still love you. And when they tell you “I will always love you, no matter what”, you know they mean it and those are the most reassuring words you will ever hear.
They are always there to listen, and when you don’t want to talk, they’re always there to offer a much-needed hug.
Sometimes you need to talk it out, and you want someone who will just listen. Mom’s are the perfect candidate. They will listen without judgment and they will always be on your side. And for the times that you don’t want to talk about it, the hugs they give can make almost anything better, instantly.
They make sure you never go hungry.
“Are you hungry?” or “what sounds good?” are questions that are frequently asked by mothers. If you do happen to be hungry, and even times when you’re not, they offer to make you something which is always hard to pass up.
They’re always willing to help with all the adult things you quite haven’t figured out yet.
Don’t want to go to the doctors by yourself because you’re getting a shot? You don’t have to; moms are always up to holding your hand. Don’t like making difficult phone calls when something goes wrong? Mom’s usually offer to help you out; this isn’t their first rodeo. Need to know anything about your insurance, your bills, or those spots on your leg? If they don’t already know it, you can guarantee they will do everything possible to figure it out for you.
They know how to make you laugh.
You and your mother have countless inside jokes. You could go on for hours talking about "remember when’s." She knows the things that will make you laugh until you cry. Even at the age of 20 she will still pin you down and tickle you, because she can and because she knows every one of your tickle spots.
Moms are a special kind of human. They are such a blessing every single day and deserve the praise, not only on Mother’s Day, but on every day of the year. There is a reason they are often referred to as supermoms. These sweet individuals are always trying to make our lives easier, and bless their souls for that.
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10 Reasons To Thank Your Best Friend
Take the time to thank that one friend in your life you will never let go of.
30 January
Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash
1. Thank you for being the one I can always count on to be honest.
A true friend will tell you if the shirt is ugly, or at least ask to borrow it and "accidentally" burn it.
2. Thank you for accepting me for who I am.
A best friend will love you regardless of the stale french fries you left on the floor of your car, or when you had lice in 8th grade and no one wanted to talk to you.
3. Thank you for teaching me what real love feels like.
Sometimes your first true love is your best friend. This person picked you, out of everyone else, to be the one they connect most with. Love the crap out of them.
4. Thank you for always making sure I'm safe.
It's calming to know that they will be one of the first to come looking for you if you miss their call.
5. Thank you for going through things with me.
Find the friends that will be supportive when your fish dies.
6. Thank you for teaching me to take care of myself.
Sometimes all you need is someone to remind you to indulge in some of life's finer things.
7. Thank you for going out of your way to make me feel supported.
If a friend does the same embarrassing thing as you just to make you feel less alone, they truly care.
8. Thank you for always being there to back me up, even when you know I'm wrong.
A best friend can make you feel confident, even when you're wrong.
9. Thank you for constantly pushing me to live up to my potential.
In the words of Josh Groban, "You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains."
10. Lastly, thank you for making such a huge impact on my life.
If you haven't in a while, tell your best friend you love them.
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Health and Wellness
The 15 Stages Of Being Sick In College
It sucks, but you’ll make it through
30 January
Everybody gets sick once in a while, but getting sick while in college is the absolute worst. You're away from home and your mom who can take care of you and all you really want to do is just be in your own bed. You feel like you will have never-ending classwork to catch up on if you miss class, so you end up going sick and then it just takes longer to get better. Being sick in college is really tough and definitely not a fun experience. Here are the 15 stages that everyone ends up going through when they are sick at college.
1. Please just be seasonal allergies
You wake up feeling icky one morning and think “Oh it must be allergies, I bet I’m fine.”
2. I must not have gotten enough sleep last night
You go through your day as normal, but you feel gross and more tired than usual.
3. I’ll just take a little nap
You finally get back from class and work and think “Oh, I’m just going to lie down in bed for a little bit.”
4. Oh no, I have so much due tomorrow!
You wake up and realize you slept six hours, it is now 11 pm and you have done none of your homework.
5. I’m fine, I’ll just sleep it off
You stay up until 3 am doing the homework and finally get to go to sleep, you think “Oh I’ll be better in the morning” (clearly you’re in denial).
6. Do I have to be responsible today?
You wake up that morning, you have slept through your alarm and don’t even want to get up.
7. Ugh no, I can’t actually be sick
You start thinking, “maybe this isn’t allergies.”
8. Alright, I’ll take some medicine and I’ll be fine
You throw on clothes really quick, go to your classes (even though you’re late) and go to work anyway (still in denial).
9. This is the worst day of my life
You get back from class and work again and your nose is stuffed, you’re coughing and you feel dizzy.
10. Mom?
You call your mom because she always knows what to do.
11. She was right (like always)
She tells you to take your temperature, you do and you find out you have a fever.
12. Too bad you're busy and can’t take the day off tomorrow
You decide to take some medicine and sleep it off, because of course, you have to be better for class, work and any activity you have for the next day.
13. You think about taking the day off, but realize you have like three tests
The next morning, you’re behind on classwork, you still have a fever, but you can’t miss your classes and you have a very busy day, so you go anyway.
14. You think you're actually going to be sick forever
The cycle continues, until it's either the weekend or you decide work and class can wait and you need a day to rest.
15. Finally, you're better!
Eventually, after being sick through class and work for about a week or so you’re finally better, and you pray that you don’t get sick again, only to do it all over the next month.
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