23 Country Songs You Haven't Heard | The Odyssey Online
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After travelling to Nashville, the heart and soul of country music, my love for live bands and raspy, deep voices has been reborn. I was lucky enough to get to watch a show at The Listening Room with four country songwriters performing their own songs. Though I knew a decent number of the songs (many of which were made famous by the big shots like Luke Bryan and Randy Houser), many of them were new which led me to search the ends of the Internet for some new country songs to add to my playlist. Below are a few songs from the concert as well as a few other I've come to love. If you're dealing with a broken heart, looking forward to summer days and summer lovin', or really like tequila and bourbon, these ones are for you.

1. "Getting Over You" - Jackie Lee

2. "It Always Starts With You" - Dustin Collins

3. "Bitches" - Mitchell Tenpenny

4. "Life Ain't Fair" - Randy Houser

5. "Alcohol You Later" - Mitchell Tenpenny

6. "One Number Away" - Luke Combs

7. "Eyes on You" - Chase Rice

8. "Kiss Somebody" - Morgan Evans

9. "Like I Loved You" - Brett Young

10. "All On Me" - Devin Dawson

11. "Singles You Up" - Jordan Davis

12. "Friends Don't" - Maddie & Tae

13. "Nobody" - Dylan Scott

14. "Only in This Town" - Logan Mize

15. "Anything Like You Dance" - Ray Fulcher

16. "Life I'm Livin'" - Adam Sanders

17. "Good Vibes" - Chris Janson

18. "Really Shouldn't Drink About You" - Teddy Robb

19. "Ridin' Roads" - Dustin Lynch

20. "I Already Know" - Kurt Stevens

21. "More Hearts Than Mine" - Ingrid Andress

22. "All You, All Night, All Summer" - Adam Hambrick

23. "Some People Do" - Old Dominion

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