How To Consignment Shop Like A Pro
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How To Consignment Shop Like A Pro

Be a second-hand savvy fashionista in no time.

How To Consignment Shop Like A Pro

One of the best things you can ever do for your closet is learn how to consignment shop. While at first thought, consignment shopping may bring to mind some of your grandmother's wardrobe, in recent years there's been a change of tides that have turned consignment shopping somewhat, dare I say it: cool. And it's for a good reason.

A new crop of consignment shops have sprouted featuring younger brands like Forever 21, Tobi, American Eagle, Zara, and others. Consignment shops are now purposely targeting a younger demographic and Millennials should be taking advantage of what these shops have to offer. You can walk in, sell or trade the clothes in your closet that have been collecting dust, and walk out with new pieces with paying very little or nothing at all. But it's not just about saving money, consignment shopping is tremendously beneficial for helping the environment since clothes that would normally be thrown away have the opportunity to be bought and worn again. Consignment shopping also helps reduce the amount of "new" clothes that are bought directly from stores. Lastly, consignment shopping gives the opportunity to experiment with bolder styles and create a closet with more variety. Since you're often spending so little, there's no harm in picking up a bolder pair of jeans or bright top that you would normally overlook in a department store.

Summer is the perfect season to give consignment shopping a try. Having so many fun events packed into the calendar gives the ideal opportunity to try new styles and fashion choices. Plus, you finally have time to comb your closets and get rid of the clothes you never wear. To get the most out of your consignment shopping experience, give these tips a try:

Be flexible with size

Many consignment shops are organized by size but don't sell yourself short by only browsing the racks dedicated to your normal size. Look through every rack and if you like a piece, set it aside to try on. Remember, some of these pieces may have been through the washing machine or dry cleaner's several times before they made its way to you. A lot of times you may have to size up when consignment shopping, even in jeans.

If a piece is really speaking to you it can always be tailored to fit you perfectly-- just air on the side of caution because you may end up spending more at at the tailor than you did to buy the actual piece. If you're handy with a needle and thread you can probably do this yourself.

You can even get away with trying on shoes a half size in either direction. (Too big? Try inserts, like these heel inserts from Dr. Scholl's.)

But be picky

Even if you find the most perfect dress ever, if it has stains or rips, it's probably not worth it. When you sell to a consignment shop, no matter what store, they are usually meticulous about what they buy, especially high-end pieces. If they're selling something with stains or rips they've probably already tried their best to get rid of it and it's a lost cause.

You should also examine what you're buying carefully before you purchase. Go with your gut. If a piece seems ~sKeTcHy~ by any means, it probably is. Chuck it.

Think about a piece's "lifespan"

While typically everything you pick up in a consignment shop is going to be affordable, picking up a t-shirt dress with only 10 or so washes left in it probably isn't worth it. Your best purchases are going to be in denim, footwear, and accessories. Why? These pieces can last just about forever if you're careful with them. Don't forget to be critical of the condition of anything you buy. Sure, you've wanted a pair of Doc Marten's forever, but do you really want a pair that's literally on their last leg?

Some pieces to avoid are t-shirts, gym clothes, and leggings. They're also some of the least hygienic.

Bring a good friend

Consignment shops are the perfect place to seek a new style but are also easy to get carried away in. Bring a friend along who will give their opinions on any pieces, should you need it. It's totally fine to buy something you know you're only going to wear once, but make sure you're buying trendy statement pieces, not WTF statement pieces. A good friend can also help you if you're on the fence about the way something fits. Since you may not be wearing your usual size, it can be hard to gage whether or not a piece really suits you.

Shopping solo? If you're confident in it, that's what really matters. But hey, if you need a second pair of eyes, a sales associate should be just fine.

Take your time

Unlike running into the mall when you need a new pair of jeans or a cute top for a last minute party, consignment shops require more time to sort through the merchandise and try everything on. You'll get the most of shopping trip if you give yourself a thorough two hours to go through the racks and weave out what you want. Try everything on, even if you think you don't need to. Besides, consignment shopping is meant to be fun and leisurely.

And if you're selling...

Don't just throw your unwanted clothes into a bag and bring them to the store. Make sure every piece you're trying to sell is clean, has no rips, and has been recently laundered. It'll have a better chance of actually selling. Folding never hurt either. You also may want to make an appointment, depending on the store. Call ahead to see if it's required. Don't forget your driver's license and a second form of ID; many stores require it. And lastly, if you don't sell all of your clothes, just donate them. They're only taking up space in your closet!

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