Confirming/Denying 10 Belmont University Stereotypes
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Confirming/Denying 10 Belmont University Stereotypes

From here, to anywhere.

Confirming/Denying 10 Belmont University Stereotypes
Juliana Mamani

Choosing Belmont University was one of the best decisions I have made in my lifetime. Being a student for only seven months has given me a chance to really figure out what Belmont is really about. From here to anywhere, always.

1. Belmont is in fact a college High School Musical

After every corner you turn, you will 99.9% of the time find someone with a guitar or find a group of people jamming along to some funky tunes. I am not lying when I say someone can simply recite a few lines to a song and everyone around will immediately stop talking and start singing that song! You may think this could be annoying, but this is what makes Belmont special and it is what keeps things interesting around campus.

2. Yes, a good majority of students are music majors

Belmont is known for being in the heart of music city, Nashville. Being so close to a legendary music city means having so many amazing opportunities in the music industry. Therefore, a good portion of the student population is a music business or music major. Belmont is known for its prodigious music program but there are still a number of incredible majors available!

3. No, not all of us are legendary talented prodigies

Being known as a music school can create the assumption that everyone is musically talented, that is not the case! Even though we have a majority of students majoring in the music programs, a good 40% of student have never touched a musical instrument in their whole lifetimes. We are all talented in different fields.

4. No, not all of us are Christians

A good portion of our student population is indeed religious, but not everyone is a Christian. I have met methodists, catholics, muslims, and even atheists. Even though Belmont does not enforce Christianity down our throats, we still have rules that are aligned with religious beliefs.

5. Yes, we are not a big party school

Walking down the sidewalks, one will mostly hear about the plans for the weekends being: watching a friend perform at a gig, singing karaoke at lonnie’s, going to play (a dance club), movie marathons, road trips to other universities nearby, going to a concert, etc., but you will rarely hear about a party being thrown from a Belmont student. I can’t really tell you the reason why, because not many know why.

6. Therefore yes, we do get friendly with Vanderbilt

When thinking about college, a good chunk of us had imagined our Friday nights being spent at a party meeting/dancing with new friends from our school. Since we can’t really find that at Belmont, a lot of us go to frat row at Vanderbilt University. But, us girls always know to stay clear from those horny frat boys.

7. Yes, the school is overpopulated by girls

Belmont has a 70:30 girl/guy ratio, I know it sucks; but you learn to get use to it. Ladies don’t you worry, there are other places where you can meet guys!!! As for the guys, you have many to choose from!

8. The four G’s of Belmont: Guys are either in love with their Guitars, their Girlfriends, God, or they’re Gay

This is a very popular statement used to describe those 30% males, enough said.

9. Yes, we only care about the boys basketball team

Many forget that Belmont is indeed a D1 school, and the reason may be that not a lot of students show up to many of the sporting events. The most I have seen are at the boys basketball team, and I mean they are pretty talented athletes so I can understand why. I just think it’s time to show some other sports some love!

10. Yes, we do pay an excessive amount to have one of the prettiest campuses in the nation

The first thing someone notices when they walk around our campus, is the beautiful landscaping. Belmont has a breathe-taking campus with extravagant flowers, tall trees, blazing gazebos, and statues scattered throughout the area. Some students do get upset that a good portion of our tuition does go to the beauty of Belmont, but at the end of the day: mostly everyone learns to appreciate it.

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