A College Student's Guide To God
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A College Student's Guide To God

You got this.

A College Student's Guide To God

College is a stressful time filled with finding out who you truly are, and what you are passionate about. It's easy to get caught up in the traffic, and noise that surrounds our day to day life, but we are nothing without His guidance. I think keeping up with my pursuit for God has been one of the more difficult things I have had to tackle since being in college. I am going to be honest when I say that sometimes praying, or talking to Him can feel like a task, that I am just too busy to complete. It's something I am working on, and it makes me human. Of course I want to talk to God every day and write in my journal, but life feels like it's moving too fast and I just can't keep up.

My first mistake here is feeling as though I am not enough unless I keep up with talking to God everyday. This should be simple for me, and I should look forward to those moments of peace where it's just me and Him. I should look up at the sky, or at the people around me and know that just that is me talking to Him. It doesn't have to be intricate, or complicated. God is simple, and we are all enough.

When I do take the time to talk to God or write in my journal, life feels at ease. I feel better instantly, and the world around me seems to make sense. Sometimes I'll find myself going through my every day life, the same routine, and I'll think to myself, "is this all there is?" Is this what life is about? Moments where I get to talk to God, allow me to remember the answer to these questions. No, this is not all there is, and no this isn't what life is all about.

We are not how many friends we have, how much money we have, or what we wear. We are Gods messengers. It's really that simple. We are here to remind people of the plan that lies ahead, that is bigger than any plans we have here on Earth. We are supposed to be walking, physical reminders to people who have lost sight of Jesus. We are here to gather those who love Him, and praise Him together. This life is nothing compared to what we have in store for us. This life, is about relentlessly pursuing him, and knowing His presence is with us every step of the way.

As a college student, my first year, I tried to navigate a way to finding more time for Jesus. Whether it was going to church, or devoting some time from my day to just write to Him. These things got put on the back burner, as I was bombarded with exams, studying, and trying to survive on my own (adulting is hard). It seemed like I could put off talking to God until tomorrow. But, then tomorrow became a week later, which then became a month later. Then I would find myself lost in my purpose, and stressed out to tears. But, as soon as I talked to God again, I was OK. I can't even begin to comprehend his power, and ability to make everything good. Not the kind of good we are used to talking about, but I mean His kind of good.

You don't need to go to church to be enough, or even do anything really. As long as you have faith in Him, and His plan then we are enough. Of course you should do things for Him. Live for Him, but also love His people. Do service, be a leader, and conquer the challenges that this life throws at you. Do all these things with your heart and you will not fail.

My second year of college has jump started, and I have been trying to get involved all while balancing school work and a job. I made it a priority to be apart of something that allowed me to be with good people talking about God in the midst of the week. I started going to this thing called Soul Food which is apart of New Life Christian Fellowship at Virginia Tech. It's a group of girls who meet once a week and sit and talk about God all while eating some delicious dessert. I have only been going for two weeks, but it has been one of the greatest decisions I have made while here in college. I was scared at first, to meet new people and submerge myself into a group where I would let my guard down and just bask in Gods glory. But, it has been just amazing in every way. The girls in this group are one of a kind, and they make me want to be a better Christian.

This isn't some intimidating group, it's all laughter and smiles. It's about feeling comfortable and speaking out about how God works in our lives. It's a beautiful group to be a part of, and I am so glad I have the opportunity to be in it. If you're in college, and seeking ways to let Christ in your life, you're going to have to break down your walls.

Be open to new organizations, and people. Be willing to take some time out of your week to speak to God, but not because you have to. Do it because when everything feels wrong, He is always so right. Here's five things to do to either strengthen your relationship with God, or staying on the right path of pursuing His purpose for you.

1. Remind yourself that you are enough as is.

You don't need to do anything other than be yourself in order for God to love you. He created you and He knows your "flaws". Flaws as in what we think are negative aspects about ourselves when in reality, we have these imperfections for a reason. They make us who we are.

2. Join an organization that works through God.

If you just look around your campus, and talk to some people I guarantee you will find some thing to be apart of that helps you build on your relationship with God. This doesn't necessarily have to be through a church, it can be a volunteering thing. As I said before, I became a part of Soul Food and I leave feeling refreshed for the week. I leave reminded of His greater plan.

3. Write in a journal and fill it with prayers.

I love journals so much. They are so fun to go out and buy, and there are so many different kinds. Whether you are looking for a tiny one or a bigger one, you can go out and find the journal that suits you. (Maybe even buy a fancy pen with it just because I know fancy pens get me hype). Anyways, just write in that journal as often as you can. Don't make it homework, just to do to take off some weight off your shoulders. Talk to God about your day, the good and the bad. Also fill it with hopes, and prayers. Prayers for yourself, and prayers for the people you love. It's fine to go back and see how He has been working in our lives.

4. Love others the way He loves us.

This one is really simple. Just be a good human being, we are all struggling here on 5 hours of sleep, and coffee pulsing through our veins so how about we smile more often and hold the door for people. Tell people you love them, compliment them, help them. Do things for others that make them happy, and remind them that this life is good.

5. There are no guidelines.

I know the title of this article literally has the word guideline in it, but that's the plot twist (gotcha). There are absolutely no real guidelines to loving God, and being enough in His eyes. You, as a college student, need to do what you feel is best. Make time for Him, write in a journal, love others, do whatever you want. You can go about this whole thing your way, or you can take some of the tips I gave you, but regardless, you got this. You are capable of more than you know, make your own guideline and follow through with it. At the end of the day, whatever works for you, doesn't have to work for anyone else. You do you and God will back you up.

"I loved you at your darkest." - Romans 5:8


One of God's best friends.

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