15 Tips For A Successful College Move-In
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15 Tips For A Successful College Move-In

It's finally move-in day! But how do I go about this?!

15 Tips For A Successful College Move-In

Move-in day is right around the corner for many incoming college freshmen, which should be exciting, but totally isn't for a student who has absolutely no idea what they are getting themselves into. That's OK though! Here's a list of things you must know in order to make move-in day as successful as possible!

You're finally leaving home so you could start the stage in your life that is said to be the most fun stage of anyone's life!

During move in day...

1. Don't pack every single thing in your house.

College dorms are significantly small and chances are you will not be able to fit every single stuffed animal you have ever owned in your room. Take everything you absolutely need in order to not lose your mind, but pack wisely.

2. Whether it's water, soda, alcohol, tea, or juice...

You are bound to get thirsty not only on move-in day, but every day after that too. Make sure to pack as many liquids as possible. A typical dorm comes with a mini fridge in it already, so you'll never have to worry about drinking anything too hot. Trust me, you'll need lots of water after those exhausting walks from class to class or a long night out.

3. Talking about long nights out, do not get out of hand the first few nights.

It's basically tradition for college students to party those first few nights where they typically have no worries or responsibilities at all. Many students have actually lost their admissions at their college/university while others have even lost their lives due to those nights where they cannot seem to control themselves. Go into move-in day knowing your limits. You're at school for a reason so just keep that in mind and remain responsible.

4. Do not, I repeat, do not drink the punch at the parties. Just don't do it.

5. Don't let the "freshman 15" scare you away from midnight munchies while binge watching.

Although many students do gain weight as a college freshman, there is also a significant amount of students who lose weight. Be sure to pack any foods that are microwaveable (since the typical dorm does come with a microwave). You might get incredibly tired of ramen noodles or kraft mac and cheese, but when you run out of it... you will miss it.

6. This weather is probably the worst weather to be productive in.

You'll probably be moving so many bags during the day, so try to keep them as light as possible. Dress comfortably, drink lots of water, and try not to let the heat get the best of you.

7. Keep your bags light!

If your residence hall is lucky enough to have an elevator, it is more than likely the elevator is going to be ridiculously packed. You'll probably have to burn some calories by taking the stairs so try to pack reasonably. Sturdy bags (such as suitcases or reliable duffle bags), lightweight packing, and take advantage of any extra hands willing to help!

8. Don't be afraid to get close with your roommate.

Every person you meet in college has the potential to become a lifelong friend so keep that in mind. Maybe you guys will end up being total opposites and not get along at all, that's fine, too. You're both new to the entire college environment, so you'll never know what could happen until you try to find out. Be open-minded, enthusiastic, optimistic and be yourself. If you have to share a room with this person, might as well make the best experience out of it.

9. Make sure to spend a day where you and your friends could hang out and make great memories before you leave.

Of course you will see them again when you go home, but those last few times you guys see each other before going away are usually the best. There will be nights through out the semester where you'll miss your friends back at home more than anything else, so considering packing things (such as pictures or gifts) that will remind you of them while you're away. Sometimes, the most comforting thing could be your longtime friends so yes, make new friends, but stay in touch with the friends from home also.

10. Your family might get insanely emotional.

You may even be judging them for it already, but be prepared because you might feel the same way once they're on their way home without you. Nothing compares to a home-cooked meal or a much needed hug from your parents, guardians or siblings; be prepared to miss the little things you used to take for granted of on a daily basis.

11. You'll probably see so many cute guys and girls in your residence hall... go about that wisely.

Many campuses sell condoms on a discount and even make safe sex as exciting as selling glow in the dark condoms during Halloween. Again, remain open-minded toward every person you encounter, but also be as safe and careful as possible.

12. You'll always know something someone else will not know, just as they will know something you do not know.

Do not be afraid to ask the people around you questions. It isn't only helpful to have your question answered, but it's also an easy way to make new friends.

13. Unpack as quickly as possible!

The inevitable procrastination only gets worse by the day so try to prevent it as much as possible. There's nothing worse than beginning to have an insane amount as work and a messy room at the same time.

14. College work is nothing like high school work.

Do not be ashamed to attend tutoring, participate in study groups, ask questions, go to office hours and reach out to anyone who could possibly help. It is never too early to find out what you're getting yourself into. Before or during move-in day, take some time to read about your classes as well as your professor.

15. Get Lit!

I cannot stress how exciting it is to finally be on your own. It will get stressful at times, but college is what you make of it. Think positively and you'll have nothing but positive outcomes. Move-in day should be a fun milestone... treat it that way!

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