If College Majors Were Ice Cream Flavors | The Odyssey Online
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If College Majors Were Ice Cream Flavors

1. Accounting/Economics-Mint Chocolate Chip

If College Majors Were Ice Cream Flavors

There are so many college majors and subjects of interests at college, and each one is different. I decided to take some of the majors offered at my college, Nazareth, and identify what each major would be if it were an ice cream flavor!

1. Accounting/Economics-Mint Chocolate Chip

Accounting and Economics are all about the green ($$), and there's no other ice cream that screams GREEN than mint chocolate chip.

2. Business/Marketing-Coffee Ice Cream

A prestigious business person ordering someone to make them coffee is a trademark of most business movie scenes. If you're a business major and you don't plan on showing up to work with some coffee (made by your secretary) then you're not doing it right!

3. Education- Caramel Apple Ice Cream

The most cliche images of a classroom includes a teacher's desk with an apple on it that was from one of the brown-nosing students trying to become their teacher's favorite! What better way to represent teachers than with an apple flavored ice cream!

4. Fine Arts (Acting, Art, Dance, Design, Theatre, Tech Production)-Rainbow Sherbet

The Fine Arts are one of the most accepting fields around. People of all nationalities, races, genders, sexualities, religious backgrounds, etc, are welcomed in the arts. Its a way to express yourself, so what better way to represent acceptance than the symbol itself, the rainbow! (And yes, I know, Sherbet is not technically ice cream).

5. Foreign Language-Neapolitan

Neapolitan ice cream is a blend of the three most original flavors of ice cream: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Foreign Language studies allow people to immerse themselves into other cultures, and learn how to blend the cultures together to bridge the cultural gap, just like how the three flavors all blend together.

6. History- Vanilla

Vanilla is the basis for all the flavors of ice cream. The job of historians is to find out the basis for our society by digging through to the past!

7. Law/Legal Studies-Americone Dream

Americone Dream is a Ben and Jerry's flavor ice cream, and the name is obviously a pun with "American Dream". As Lawyers, people work to ensure that the law is upheld, and justice is served, but those that are innocent are also given a chance for defense. This idea of justice and defense are part of the American dream!

8. Math- Banana Split

Making a banana split takes a specific mathematical formula; 1 banana+1 scoop vanilla+1 scoop chocolate+1 scoop strawberry+2 squirts chocolate topping+3 squirts whipped cream+1 cherry= a delicious sundae! This ice cream equation is what math should be all about!

9. Music (Composition, Education, Instrumental, Performance, Business)-Cherry Garcia

Cherry Garcia is another Ben and Jerry's pun-titled ice creams. "Cherry Garcia" is named after Jerry Garcia, an American singer-songwriter. An ice cream named after a fellow musician is the perfect ice cream for music majors.

10. Nursing/Public Health/Pre-Med-Superman Ice Cream

Our health professionals are the superheros of modern times! What would we do without them?

11. Psychology-Cocoa Loco

Now not every field of psychology focuses on the mind of humans (some focus on behavior, animals, etc), but when you think of psychology the first thing that comes to your mind is often an intense therapy session with someone that's a little loco.

12. Science (Bio, Chem, toxicology)-Everything But The...

"Everything But The..." is a Ben and Jerry's trademark.It is chocolate and vanilla ice cream with chunks of white chocolate, toffee, peanut butter, and almonds! In science, you never what you'll find in an experiment, and with this ice cream you'll never know what you'll find in each scoop!

13. Social Work-Rocky Road

Social work is a difficult field; you never know what kinds of situations you'll be dealing with. The life of a social worker is definitely rocky!

14. Therapy (Music, Occupational, Speech)-Chocolate Therapy

Chocolate Therapy is another trademark of Ben and Jerry's. I think the rest is pretty self explanatory!

15. Voice- Green Tea Ice Cream

If you've ever talked to a voice major, or any singer for that matter, about having a sore throat, the answer is ALWAYS tea! Tea, tea, and more tea!!

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