12. Mother Gothel - Theatre | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

If Disney Villans Were Earning College Degrees, Here's What They'd Major In

These poor unfortunate souls could be sitting next to you this semester.


Disney has always held a place in my heart, as I am sure it has possibly held a place in yours as well. Most people always focus on the princesses, princes, and the adorable animal sidekicks for the "If college majors were..." But what about the villains?

1. Yzma - Genetics

Yzma would totally be learning how to better prepare her animal potions. Remember, double check your labels.

2. Frollo - Religion Studies

Frollo would see our world so corrupted, he would learn everything in his power to try to fix it.

3. Gaston - Exercise Science

Gaston is an exercise science major through and through. I mean he can lift a whole table with a whole bunch of people on it. Imaginee what he could do once he learns more on the human body!

4. Captain Hook - Geography

Being a pirate, Captain Hook would want to better understand navigation and the world around him. If he ever gets out of Neverland.

5. Ursula - Business

Why not Marine Biology? Have you seen the Little Mermaid? The amount of contracts Ursula has successfully gotten merfolks to sign is impressive. Her business is going strong.

6. Cruella de Vil - Pre-Vet

I would never take my fur babies to her clinic when she starts practicing, but she would definitely choose this major to ultimately grow her fur collection.

7. Edgar Balthazar - Finance

He might not be much of a villain, but he was willing to do anything to get rid of the cats so he can inherit the fortune (even though how crazy it seems to leave a fortune to your cats).

8. Doctor Facilier - Chemistry

The voodoo master himself would be in the chemistry lab making who knows what. Then trying to convince his classmates to drink his concoctions to get a better grade somehow.

9. Queen of Hearts - English Literature

The poetry and poise that surrounds this movie helped me to determine this picking. Also, the Queen of Hearts would argue "All ways are my ways!" to her professor anytime she received a poor grade.

10. Hopper - Criminal Justice

A Bug's Life

Hooper is all about enforcing the law and keeping people in their place. He would be a corrupt in his field, just make sure to keep a jar of ants on you if you encounter him.

11. Jafar - Psychology

Most can agree that Jafar...is a little insane, but he has learned the power of manipulation and would only use this major to further get what he wants.

12. Mother Gothel - Theatre

Everything about Mother Gothel is dramatic and over the top. She is constantly singing and dancing and loves tragic twists.

13. Ratcliffe - Pre-Law

He is so quick to claim what is not his and extremely power-hungry. He believes he IS the law as well as the jury, judge and executioner. Good luck winning any debates against him.

14. Ratigan - Communications

The Great Mouse Detective

Boy can Ratigan talk, and talk, and talk. He seems to easily go into monologues at the drop of a hat (along with some dancing of course).

15. Scar - Political Science

Scar has determined how he was going to climb up the political chain, even if that means killing his own brother to get there.

These villains would only choose these majors to further their own personal gains and evil plans. They would not be picking them because they love the major, but to attempt to take over their own universe.

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