College Life, But It's Explained By 66 'Supernatural' .GIFs
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66 'Supernatural' .GIFs That Are Relatable To Everyone's Demanding College Experience

Even if you don't watch the show, you'll relate to these gifs #YoureWelcome.

66 'Supernatural' .GIFs That Are Relatable To Everyone's Demanding College Experience

Though the show is not about two brothers in college, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of relatable gifs and memes that came from "Supernatural." Let's take a journey through 66 .GIFs that can express our feelings about some common college life experiences:

I'll Just Watch One Episode.

Does it really matter what show it is? Nah. Once you get Netflix going, you're pretty much agreeing to stay up too late.

Time To Wake Up!

You finally go to sleep after how many hours of Netflix, and then your alarm goes off.

Lecture Day.

We've all experienced at least one lecture that made us feel this way. At least you can borrow notes from a friend.... Right?


It's finally lunch and someone is trying to talk to you as you eat....

Hangry. Part 2.

Finally your food starts to kick in and the hangry fades.

That Was Mine.

When someone eats your food out of the fridge.

Studying In The Library.

When you're actually trying to study in the library and you hear any noise whatsoever.

The Homework Hole.

When everyone is going out and no one can help you out of the hole you dug yourself into.

Exam Cram.

Got to get that last minute study session in.

Midday Nap.

Doesn't matter why you're taking a nap, you just need one.

New Song.

When your friend shows you a new song.

Dancing Alone To That New Song.

Later in the day when you listen to that new song your friend showed you earlier.

Unsuspected Spider Sighting.

No, it wasn't just on the wall, it nearly fell into your lap.

Did You Hear Something Outside?

That awkward moment when you hear something outside and you try to play it cool as you quickly shut the blinds.

Did You Hear That?

When you are in the shower, hear a weird noise, and then try to convince yourself it was nothing.


When a really cute new person says hello to you. Or when you see a puppy on campus.

I'm Batman.

When you accidentally do something cool in front of your crush.

Friend In The Background.

Your friend in the background as you manage to do something cool in front of your crush.

The Not So Successful Attempts.

Those times when the "cool" just isn't coming across.

I Know I'm Cute.

When you know you're looking and feeling good and then someone says something snarky. Don't let them tell you otherwise.

Are You Sure?

When someone asks you if you're sure you wanna burn that bridge.


You decided that bridge was rickety anyway.

You're Not Coming With?

The look you give your best friend when they say they're not able to go out with you over the weekend.

You Need Me. You Call Me.

Your bestie tries to make you feel about partying without them.

What Am I Going To Do Without You?

Maybe you say it to your friend as a joke, but deep down you're low-key serious about not knowing what to do with your weekend if they aren't going to hang out. Then your friend says:

You Really Can't Come With?

The awkward "trying-not-to-pressure-but-still-hoping-you'll-go-with-me" look you give your friend as you leave to go out.

I'll Go With You.

Your friend surprises you, and joins you for the weekend festivities.

Showing Up To The Party.

How you feel arriving at the party with your special guest in tow.

When You Can't Find Your Friend.

Your friend came to the party with you, but now you can't find them. *Tries not to panic*

How Dare You!


The talk you give your friend after you finally find them again.

Alone For The Weekend.

Your best friend can't actually make it to the party and asks if you're upset.

Waiting For The Phone To Pick Up.

When you went a little too hard and have to call your friend, but they don't answer right away.

Just Come Get Me!

Backup has answered the phone call, but isn't saying if they'll come get you.

Backup Arrives...

The Avalanche Of Questions.

Start At The Beginning.

Now you've got to start trying to explain everything...

Why Did You Call?

Your friend keeps asking questions, such as, "where is your shoe?"


Clearly there are no good answers right now, so your friend just takes you home.

Just Making Sure You Were OK.

Seeing your friend come in to check on you the morning after a crazy night out.

Post Party.

Friend who picked you up last night asks, "How you doing?" You answer:

Snapchats Were Sent!

Friend: "You remember last night?"

You: "Yeah."

Friend: "You remember the snapchats you sent me?"


Seeing The Snaps From The Night Before.


Is There Anything That Can Be Said?

Tough Love.

Your friend certainly has something to say about the snaps.

The PS To The Tough Love.

Maybe you're experiencing a rough patch, or maybe it's something else, but your friend is still by your side.

Thanks, Friend.

That moment your friend is giving you a pep talk and they say "I love you" without saying "I love you."

Forgive Me?

At first, your friend was giving you a stern talk about getting it together, and then it took a more loving turn.

We Still On For Lunch?

Despite the shenanigans, your friend still takes you out to lunch later.


Someone on campus says something about the party you were at, but you have no idea what they're talking about.

Time To Go To Work.

How it feels to show up for your shift at work and it's already busy.

People Skills.

A coworker asks why you seem cranky:

When Can I Sit?

The rush at work seems like it'll never end.

Leaving Work Feels.

How it feels to leave work before the rush. Or just how you feel internally when you get to leave work.

Finally Home.

It's been a long day. Suddenly, your best friend is asking what your plans are.

Quitting Time!

Wading into a hot bath, or getting into your covers after a long day.

Playing Dumb.

Roomie: "Who left their nasty dishes in the sink?!" *Looks up knowing it was probably you*

You: "I dunno."

Texts From Mom.

She texts and it's clear someone showed her the emoticon options.

So Many Texts From Mom.

Of course she texts you when you're busy, but she will keep texting until you answer.

Third Wheeling.

Your friend starts a new relationship and wants you to still hang out like normal, but you know they're asking you to third wheel.

Please No.

The likely reality of what happens when you third wheel like your friend asked you to.

Don't Ask.

When you admit to your friend that you don't want to third wheel. And they act like they don't understand why.

Awkward Reunion.

Maybe it's a family member, or a huggie friend, but everyone has experienced the unwanted hug.

Excuse Me?

When you're venting to your friends about things and one of them a crazy suggestion about what you should do.

On The Flip Side.

Your best friend starts doing something weird in public and you join in, just because.

Yes, But No.

"Hey, you wanna watch some creepy youtube videos or a scary movie on Netflix?" You look over at your friend who asked the question, then look at the clock which reads one o'clock in the morning.

What Took So Long?

When you and a friend have plans, and they're still getting ready when you show up. They ask if they look good. You say "yeah" but they look exactly how they normally do.

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