Christ Has Come | The Odyssey Online
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Christ Has Come

The true season of Christmas.

Christ Has Come
Bob Rogers

I believe that we all know what Christmas is suppose to mean, but we often forget about the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas is about Jesus being born! This time of year is when we worship and celebrate Jesus' birthday and when he was born in a manger when there was no room for Him in the inn. It is also about Christ bringing new life to the world! If it was not for Him, we would not have the option of accepting eternal life through Him!

This year, I have realized that Christmas is not just a holiday, it is a special time to worship Christ and for what all He has done for us in our lives! It is not just about the nativity part with Christ. It is about how Christ has come into the world to bring us joy, peace, patience, and kindness!

This season may be filled with presents, more food than usual, and other special activities that only happens during this time of the year, but it should also be filled with worship more than anything else that we do this holiday season! We should worship the Christ, the baby that was born for us to save the world, all of the time! Not just during Christmas time specifically.

I hope you realize the true meaning of Christmas and enjoy the presence of our Savior during Christmas! You may not get all the presents or a specific present, but you do not have to worry about that! Salvation is a priceless gift that we could never repay or ask for, but yet, He gives salvation to us! Salvation should be the best gift we should ever receive or ask for any time of the year!

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