Why Chris Colfer Deserves More Recognition
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Why Chris Colfer Deserves More Recognition

“Courage is one thing that no one can ever take away from you.” ― Chris Colfer

Why Chris Colfer Deserves More Recognition

If you know me really well, then you probably read the title and thought, "Oh no, someone make this girl stop." I'm someone who has been a huge fan of Chris Colfer for quite some time now and I can't seem to stop talking about him. What people don't realize or understand is quite exactly why I make a fuss about him. When I bring him up to someone, occasionally the conversation begins with, "Who is that?" or "Oh, he's still doing stuff?"

To answer the first question, Chris is mainly known for his role as Kurt Hummel on the hit television show Glee that ended in 2015. This role won him the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a television series back in 2011.

To answer the second question, yes! During his time on Glee, he also wrote and starred in his movie Struck By Lightning. He has been very busy with writing his book series called The Land of Stories, which has reached its fifth installment, released on July 12th. His series made him a #1 New York Time's Best Selling Author. He is also releasing a young adult novel later this year called Stranger than Fanfiction. He is currently traveling all over the US for his book tour. He is also starring in the upcoming movie Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie which will be released in the US on July 22nd. On top of it all, he has been tackling many interviews and talk shows, and even throwing in an event called "Cocktails with Colfer" to celebrate Hilary Clinton.

He has done so much work and yet still, not as many people have known that this was going on. He couldn't have said it better himself: "There’s like, an age bracket. If you’re under 14 I’m the author of The Land of Stories, if you’re older than 14 I’m the guy from Glee, and if you’re over 60 I’m the nice girl from the radio."Now I know what your thinking, "Yeah, he's busy just like the rest of the celebrities. Why should I know about him?". Well, he is a whole lot more than a busy guy. Everything about who he is and his life is why I feel like he is such an important figure in society. I believe Chris deserves more recognition than he is getting and here is why:

Back in 2011, Chris was listed as one of the top 100 most influential people in "Time" Magazine. He has been a strong voice in speaking against bullying, in which he had been a victim of in his life. He grew up in Clovis, California, which is a smaller and more conservative area. Growing up as a gay individual in that kind of environment was not a walk in the park for him. He also has a younger sister who suffers from severe epilepsy, which would cause stress on the family that Chris would escape from by using acting as a method of said escape. Even with the struggles in the family, being treated differently and feeling out of place, he was able to accomplish his dream of being an actor, even with everyone telling him "no".

Chris has been a huge figure in the LGBTQ+ community. Through his role as Kurt Hummel, many kids have found hope and courage in embracing who they are. Coming out in Hollywood is somewhat of a risky business, as many encourage not to come out at all. It has been said that being an openly gay actor in Hollywood could typecast you into strictly gay roles and could ruin job opportunities. Chris also was encouraged to keep his sexuality a secret, especially since his career was just beginning at the time of this role. Yet, Chris has actually been thriving and has found embracing who is is to much more beneficial to him and others in the long run. On The Michelangelo Signorile show, Colfer said: "When you’re honest you have the opportunity to affect somebody for their entire lives. When you’re not you can entertain them for an hour. And I’d rather choose the first option" .

He is also big on philanthropy. He is a current and active supporter for The Trevor Project and the It Gets Better campaign. This includes his constant stance in anti-bullying in which he makes known in many of his interviews. He is also a strong supporter of the Make-A-Wish foundation, which he has donated $6,000 to after winning the money on the show, Hollywood Game Night. His other philanthropic endeavors contribute to topics such as animal rescues, arts education, poverty and more.

As of Lately, Chris has become a voice in politics. He held an event called "Cocktails with Colfer" in Philadelphia to celebrate Hillary Clinton. Regardless of your political views, Colfer delivers a powerful speech full of honesty and feeling. An excerpt from his speech reveals just that: "I love this country, so much, because in this country, I get to be an award winning actor. I get to be a best selling children’s author. I get to be on Time Magazine’s list of 100 most influential people in the world. Whereas in other countries, I could be thrown off a roof for simply being who I am. I know exactly how lucky I am to be where I am. To live where I am; to live in the time that I do. That’s why it breaks my heart so much that the United States could potentially take a major step backwards in the next couple of years. That is why I’ve chosen to speak out. "

He has also donated $5,400 in 2015 to Hillary Clinton's campaign.

In conclusion, Chris Colfer is an all around genuine human being full of strength, courage and love. His advocacy for self expression and self love can be seen and encouraged in all that he does, creating a positive impact to all. He is, in my opinion, one of the greatest inspirations and role models not only because of his achievements and hard work, but also because he is the perfect example of how it is possible to make something of yourself even when the world is telling you otherwise. And that is I think he deserves much more recognition in the media, because there are so many people that don't know his story that could use it as a way to inspire them in life, to give them hope and a proper figure to look up to. And with that, I say thank you Chris Colfer, for doing just that for me.

"There's nothing wrong with you. There's a lot wrong with the world you live in." -Chris Colfer

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