After a mysterious video of a waving flag to the beginning notes of “Welcome to the Black Parade,” My Chemical Romance announced that they will be releasing a 10 year anniversary edition of the album "Welcome to the Black Parade." The album, which will be released on September 23, will supposedly feature demos and songs previously unreleased.
Although there won't be a reunion, it's still a time for MCR fans to rejoice. Like many others, there was a time when I was OBSESSED. From bad fanfiction to message boards to watching "The Black Parade Is Dead" at sleepovers, it was my first fandom before I knew what fandom was. So whether you’ve kept up with their new projects or moved on, dig out your old MCR shirts (I had about nine), put on "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge," and remember the good ol’ days.
1. "Helena"
The black eye shadow, the pained singing expressions, the fact that it takes place at a funeral, which means everyone is wearing black (not that they'd be wearing anything different anywhere else.) Helena gets out of her coffin looking like a Hot Topic shopper’s dream girl and dances across the isle. It's pretty great.
2. "Teenagers"
When teenagers everywhere chanted, “Teenagers scare the living shit out of me.” I'm only 20, but I get it now.
3. "Vampires Will Never Hurt You"
MCR's first album, "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love,” is frequently overlooked, but it has gems like this one. The sound is definitely harder and less polished, and the video kind of looks like they were still trying to figure it out, but it's definitely worth a listen.
4. "Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)"
They developed a new image for their last album, as they do with every album. It was a lot less dark and more upbeat, but they definitely kept the MCR sound.
5. "The Black Parade"
Nothing needs to be said. We all understand. (When you hear that first note though)
6. "Mama"
You Can’t get much darker than "Mama, we all go to Hell." But on the bright side it features Liza Minella. Give those emo kids some “culture.”
7. "All I Want For Christmas Is You."
Thank you My Chemical Romance for giving emo kids everywhere the opportunity to FINALLY join in on the Christmas festivities.
8. "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"
This is my favorite MCR video because it’s so well-made and funny and so high school. The outcasts against the jocks. Classic.
9. Bonus: Making Of:
10. "Famous Last Words"
Apparently while filming this video, the flame caught Bob Bryer’s leg, but he kept drumming to get the shot. He wound up getting second and third degree burns, but he powered through. Not sure if many artists today would do the same.
11. "Blood"
A strange, but morbidly peppy hidden track. “Blood, blood, gallons of the stuff. Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough."
12. "You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us In Prison"
Burt McCracken sings on this one, and there was always controversy surrounding their friendship. I’m not going to go into it, but for some reason Burt was always the villain in all the fics.
13. "Demolition Lovers"
There’s nothing more romantic than two convicts on the run Bonnie and Clyde style. “I’ll end my days with you in a hail of bullets.” -sigh-
14. "The World Is Ugly"
After including a live version of the song on the live album "The Black Parade Is Dead" in 2008, they FINALLY released a recorded version in 2012.
15. "Sing"
They thankfully gave us this power-anthem before sadly breaking up on March 22, 2013. At least they went out with a bang!