Cheat Sheet Of The GOP 2016 Presidential Candidates
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Cheat Sheet Of The GOP 2016 Presidential Candidates

Cheat Sheet Of The GOP 2016 Presidential Candidates

The wave of 2016 campaigning is building as GOP candidates gathered this past weekend in Greenville, S. Car. to discuss issues. The promises varied, but disapproval of President Obama remained consistent. As the pool of candidates swells, so does the magnitude of information regarding the candidates. To combat the approaching onslaught, here is what you need to know so far.

Jeb Bush

Yes, another Bush. This time in the form of ex-Florida governor and son of George H.W. Bush. Jeb Bush is married to a Mexican-American, and has overwhelming support from his Florida home state. His campaign will also serve as a middle ground between his extreme libertarian Tea-Party, and more liberal contenders. His experience and tenure as governor of Florida makes him a viable candidate. However, his support for Common Core, immigration reform, and name recognition may cause him trouble in the coming months. This will be a test of the power of the Bush dynasty, and the family's money as they back the second son in hopes that third time's a charm. Yet, in the words of his brother, “Fool (us) once shame on you; fool (us)... you can't get fooled again.

On the issues: pro life, school choice initiatives, not a clear stance on gay marriages, expansion of military, and free trade, pro-EPA, amnesty advocate, arguably neo-conservative, common core advocate, immigration reform, most recently claimed, possibly due to miscommunication, that knowing what we now know, he would have still invaded Iraq.

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Marco Rubio

A close second to Jeb Bush, and a past mentee, Marco Rubio believes he has the potential to rescue the "American Dream." His parents were born in Cuba, and escaped a perilous future for the opportunity awaiting in America. He is the new kid on the block, but that does not mean he cannot hold his own. Though the U.S. Senator from Florida is the youngest, he is arguably the most naturally talented. A lot like basketball player, Ricky Rubio, he has the fresh face, the crowd, and the ball in his court.

On the issues: robust response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine, marriage laws left to state sovereignty, cut taxes, continuing war on drugs (including marijuana), not very clear on combating ISIS (similar to Obama approach).

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Scott Walker

Boasting a prosperous governorship in Wisconsin, where he cut taxes and eliminated the deficit, Scott Walker became the first governor to win a recall vote. He created jobs and eased the burden on the middle class.Yet, he claims he will not announce his presidency until he has completed essential tasks as governor, including developing the budget. Additionally, he had a mysterious early departure from Marquette University.

On the issues: defend veterans, fight for the Second Amendment, school choice, job creation, cut taxes, anti-amnesty.

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Rand Paul

The loud mouth, swearing, physician, and U.S. Senator from Kentucky is anything but neo-conservative. Dr. Paul is by far the most outspoken and clear about his stances on issues. He does not waver from the truth or hide from questions. As a devout libertarian, his commitment to the Constitution is obvious. He owns a private ophthalmology practice and looks like he is Cindy Lou's dad. It will be up to Americans to decide whether or not we could see Paul bringing us the peace and harmony of Whoville. With his deliberate disagreement with neo-conservative beliefs, look out for more from this boisterous contender. Thanks to his father's two runs at Presidency, the money and structure for his campaign will not be an obstacle. However, it will be for the future to tell whether or not his extremist ways will win him the Republican ticket.

On the issues: completely opposed to National Security Agency's surveillance, “On day one, I'd stop it all," pro term limits, across the board tax cuts, audit of the Fed, repeal Obamacare, secure the border, against amnesty, eliminate regulations on businesses, school choice, anti-Common Core, support Israel, save social security, pro-life, cut military funding.

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Dr. Ben Carson.

While retired Johns Hopkins pediatric neurology director, Dr. Carson, may be capable of boasting his IQ, he cannot boast of any political background, or experience. However, he is out to prove that such experience may not be necessary, as he has captured national fame by criticizing the President while standing only feet away from where he sat. Raised by a single mother in Detroit, it seems as though this surgeon may be on the right track. In his announcement video, he illustrated how he could serve as a “Breath of Fresh Air." He is an enormous anti-Obamacare advocate and his platform is embraced by the idea of eliminating government dependency. The primary elections will decide if Carson is the exact dosage of conservative values that America needs.

On the issues: pro-Guantanamo Bay, tax reform, stand by Israel, pro-life, anti-Common Core, Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.

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Ted Cruz

Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, is most infamous for the hand he played in the recent government shutdown. His mother, a computer programmer, and his dad, a Cuban refugee, understood the importance of both education and freedom. He is a Tea Party favorite as a far right winger.

On the issues: advocate for one-man-one-woman marriages, denounced amnesty for illegal immigrants, pro-life, school choice advocate, privatization of social security.

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Bobby Jindal

A, “son of the Deep South," Bobby Jindal is a conservative Brown and Oxford grad. He's out to end the age of hyphenated Americans, and as an Indian-American, excuse me, I mean American of Indian descent, he may have the platform to succeed. He's got Duck Dynasty backing him; what more could he need? As the current Governor of Louisiana, his website boasts of 91,000 new jobs developed within the state and illustrates his belief in ethical reform as his platform.

On the issues: pro-life, school choice, supporter of Constitutional amendments defining marriage as one-man-one-woman, advocate of a market-based alternative to Obamacare's top-down approach, securing the border, cut taxes, anti-amnesty.

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Mike Huckabee

Round two for Huckabee, and the preacher is still in the pulpit. He is returning new and improved with his own Fox News show experience on his resume, and more name recognition. He was the longest serving Arkansas governor, and gained national recognition for losing more than 100 pounds in 2003. Could he have what it takes to cut the budget, and national deficit like he cut down his weight? It is up to us to decide.

On the issues: defeat Jihad-ism, return security of social security, anti same sex marriage, anti abortion, oppose amnesty.

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Honorable mentions:

Mark Everson, former IRS Commissioner kicked out of American Red Cross for an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate.

Carly Fiorina is the only woman running. She is the former CEO of Hewitt-Packard with a net worth of $80 million. If that is going to pay off the national debt, she has my vote.

Donald Trump. Why is he even running? I know who is not voting for him -- neither Rosie O'Donnell, nor I.

Chris Christie is known best for his role in the New Jersey Fort Lee, New Jersey lane closure scandal. Can he overcome his shadows?

Rick Perry. This Governor of Texas wants to use his home state as a platform to develop a prospering America. While appreciating some famous South Carolina BBQ, Governor Perry said, "Something I want you all to think about is that the next president of the United States, whoever that individual may be, could choose up to three, maybe even four member of the Supreme Court. [This election] isn't about who's going to be the president of the United States for just the next four years. This could be about individuals who have an impact on you, your children, and even our grandchildren. That's the weight of what this election is really about."

No matter whether you decide to lean left, or right, or whichever candidate you decide to back, make sure you prepare to exercise your right to vote. This one is a big one.
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