Every time that I listen or watch this video I learn something new about myself and about our society. It is a lesson that everyone in the world needs to learn. Equality.
We need to start recognizing people for who they are and not the labels and stereotypes that they are given by a distrusting society. Children and adults need to teach and learn kindness, love and equality; not hate. We are born they way we are and we have no control over those circumstances so don't tear someone down for something they had no control over.
While a big focus of this video is our physical appearance there is something to be said about more than just physical labels. We label people who practice a certain religion and discriminate against them for it. While religion is more of a choice than how someone looks it is still something that everyone has a right to do. Free will and the right to choice is something that makes us a human and an individual.
Nothing good comes from blaming other people for things out of their control. It isn't right to blame the officers in Dallas that died for the crimes of others. It isn't right to blame all Muslims for the extreme acts of a few. It isn't right to shoot up a club because you don't agree with their choices or because you hate yourself.
The lists of tragedies that our nation faces continues to rise each week. No one should have to die because every life matters. The sooner people can let go of their fear, anger and hatred the sooner this world can become a place that everyone truly loves being a part of.
I can say all this, but it won't change much. I can't force the people with fear and hate in their hearts to hear these words and change. I can't force my own opinions onto them anymore than they can force theirs onto me. So why bother writing this at all? Because the more people that can fill their hearts with love, compassion and understanding the better chance we have of burning out the hate in others.
One step toward changing our society for the better is to change how the media reports on these tragic issues and the issues not being reported. I don't just want to hear about when a white officer shoots a black person. I want to hear about when any officers kills any person. The media has the power to paint the picture and to shape our society so let's make them do it right. Tell the whole story and without bias. And writing a headline that uses the color of a person's skin to draw attention is bias.
Changing our society is no easy task and will take time. Step one, change your attitude and stop worrying about everyone else. Step two, help someone else find love and acceptance. Step three, force the media to change. Sounds easy right? Well good luck!