A Call To Prayer: A Fearful Nation
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A Call To Prayer: A Fearful Nation

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

A Call To Prayer: A Fearful Nation
No Greater Love 4 You

In the midst of the news reports, vicious gossip, and the approaching election day, sometimes I find myself at a loss for words.

Our hearts are heavy with the choice that will effect our nation, our hearts long for healing and redemption of this world. But, ask yourself this question, do you pray about it as much as you post about it?

When you are scrolling through Facebook and come across another news article about one of our candidates, weather good or bad, do you pray for them?

When you are listening to the news and hear the polls being counted, do you stop and pray for God to bring wisdom?

You see, we are in the midst of a battle that is not being fought by flesh and blood but by the very one who seeks to destroy all that God has created good. We are in a battle that we can never hope to win if we are not first falling to our knees before God in prayer, seeking His guidance, and submitting to His will.

God never leaves us to fight for ourself nor does He lead us somewhere where He himself has not already gone. He has a plan and his plan is good. It is not contingent on the president we choose or by the laws we pass because God is in all things, over all things, and 100% for using all things to bring glory to His name.

Brothers and sisters, with a heavy heart I have sought the sweet promises of our Father, promises that do not break. I encourage you to pray over our country and it's leaders knowing full well that God is leaning His ear to listen to His children. Here are a few ways you can seek scripture in prayer.

1. Pray that our nation would turn and seek God

As a nation we have failed to submit to the Lord. We make decisions foolishly and we resolve conflicts with selfish intent hidden in our hearts. We are unable to restore this country without the divine intervention of our Savior.

Lord, forgive us as our eyes have fallen far from your will. Forgive us when our tongue is quick to speak in anger. Forgive us when we use your forgiveness to justify our disobedience. We pray that a spirit of repentance would fall upon this nation and that every heart would break and every soul would cry out and every eye would seek the God who is faithful to bring redemption to His people. (1 Thessalonians 7:14) Father I pray that You would tune our hearts to seek Your will and Yours alone. I pray that you would cause us to fall onto our knees in submission for You are worthy of our whole life. (1 Peter 2:13-17)

2. Pray for those in power

Weather you agree with Secretary Clinton or Mr. Tump, it is our duty as Christians to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We are not called to seek revenge against the things they have done for that belongs only to God (Romans 12:19). We are called to intercede with prayer and thanksgiving, trusting in the perfect plan of the Lord.

God, we do not fear the authority of man for we know that all authority, in heaven and on earth, is subject to the Great I Am. (Psalm 22:28) We do not doubt the plans of Your will for we know that while earthly kingdoms rise and fall, Your word remains forever. (Isaiah 40:8)

Father, forgive us when our mouth speaks with desires to destroy. Forgive us when our hearts become cold to those you have called us to love. Help us to never grow tired of praying for them Lord, that we never cease to lift them up to You. (1 Timothy 1:1-2) God it is in your desire that all would come to know you and Father I pray for our candidates, that their heart would crown you King over all for without you we have nothing. (1 Timothy 2:4, Psalm 16:2) Father, we pray for wisdom as they look to lead this country in which You have made. We ask that your Holy Spirit fall on them and guide them into Your will. (Psalm 19:20-12)

3. Pray that we would see God's sovereignty over ALL things

There are many things that happen far outside our realm of control. We white knuckle what little power we have over the things that we see as wrong. We wrestle for empty power and fight for selfish gain. God is sovereign over all things, nothing is left to chance but everything has been a part of His great plan of redemption since the beginning of time.

Lord, You are before all things and in You, all things hold together (Colossians 1:17). In times like these it is hard to trust for our eyes do not see as Yours see. When our faith becomes small, help us to press into the great power of Your love for in You all things work and move. We cannot change a single hair on our head but You, God, You change the times and the seasons, You set up kings and remove them, power and glory belong only to You. When the waters rage against us and the great powers of this world threaten to break us, we know that You sit enthroned over the flood forever(Psalm 29:10).

4. Remember, our battle is not fought against flesh and blood but against the evil one who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.

It is easy to look at those in positions of authority and see them as the enemy. We take to social media to dethrone them and strip them of power with words that bring only death. This is not our battle. Our battle is against the king of deception and ruler of all evil, Satan.

In this world so moved by evil, we lose sight of who our enemy is. Forgive us when we rejoice in the failure of your children and abuse the power of our words to bring death. Our fight is not against rulers of the flesh or enemies of blood, but against the powers over this present darkness, the spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). But Lord, we know that no weapon formed against us shall stand(Isaiah 54:17) and that although we are hard pressed on every side, we are not broken(2 Corinthians 4:10). We love you God, our solid rock and and our refuge. We take courage in your strength and deliverance. We praise You for You have rescued us from our enemies. (Psalm 18)

5. Do not be anxious, for our hope is in God alone.

With headlines drawing our eyes from hope to hopeless, it is easy to fall into the trap of despair. With political events rocky like an ocean in a storm, if your hope is not rooted in Jesus Christ you are bound to be tossed about by the waves of the world.

When our hearts are anxious, you call out peace (John 14:27). When our spirit is timid you call from within us power (2 Timothy 1:7). Father we humble ourselves in prayer, asking that you would restore to us the joy of your salvation and redemption of our brokenness. In the midst of the fog that clouds us from knowing Your great plan, we know you are here, bringing about an end we could not even begin to imagine (Habakkuk 1:5). When our hearts are heavy with the burden of sin, You remain strong. You do not grow anxious or tired of doing good, you do not fall short of working all things for our good but you give power and strength to those who are weak (Isaiah 40:28-29). And now, O Lord, what do we wait? Shall we await the day of elections? Shall we place our security in the false promises of this world? No.

Our hope is in you. Creator of the world, The Great I Am, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Despite what comes our way, in every situation, being joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12), we place our hope in You.

In the name that is higher above all names, amen.

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