To My Boyfriend
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To My Boyfriend

You are more than I could have asked for.

To My Boyfriend

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day."

It's funny how I'm not even sure where to begin with this. When I first met you, I had no clue that we would even cross paths in life. I wasn't looking for you, I just happened to find you. Sooner or later, I didn't realize how deeply affected I would end up being by those precious brown eyes of yours. But I am today, and I think I always will be. There are so many times in my life where I remember getting down on my knees and praying that I become a good wife. I prayed that I would be strong and dedicated, loving, forgiving, and patient when it's trying. Little did I know that waiting for you, I was shaping and now I'm dating you. I am molded. You have taught me these things and you have been gentle with my heart. You have been selfless with me, forgiving to all faults, and poured out grace that I can't repay. I remember getting down on my knees and praying for you, too. Praying for the heart you have, the talent, the swoon, the laugh, those eyes.

Turns out, I got more than I could have ever asked for. God truly outdone himself when he crafted you.

So I just want to say thank you. Although those two words will never really grasp the concept of how much I appreciate you, it's a shot at it.

1. Thank you for always being honest.

Because sometimes I just need you to tell me like it is.

2. Thank you for trying to keep a grasp on me.

I mean, you at least try, and that says it in itself. I am hard to handle, and I want to be tough as nails and independent sometimes. But if i'm being honest, I need you. And you always have your hand out reaching for that grasp on me to reel me back in.

3. Thank you for being my number one fan.

You are incredible. You back me 110 percent no matter what crazy decision I want to make. You support my goals, my wants, my desires and dreams. Nothing beats having my own personal cheerleader from the sideline of life.

4. Thank you for letting me put you through torture.

And by torture, I just mean making you match me on holidays and taking a picture on every date and every event we attend to. You always stick through my: "It's too dark!" "I want flash." "Let's take it at sunset." "My eyes were closed." "I have to be on that side." "Smile like you mean it." "I don't like it." "I don't like my hair like that." "My arms are weird." The list goes on, but you are the man at sticking by my side.

5. Thank you for letting me always cuddle you.

Yes, there's plenty of bed, but your side is my side, too.

6. Thank you for holding me when I cry.

OK, so you skipped that time that I was crying over puppies, but you did keep your arms tight around me when I felt like things were falling apart on me. You always remind me I am, in fact, still gonna live through it, and you'll be there every step of the way.

7. Thank you for jumping in the car.

When I say, "Let's go. I'm hungry. I want a milkshake. I want chicken nuggets. I want fried chicken." Even though you end up paying for a kids meal, you never hesitate to be open to whatever I want.

8. Thank you for dealing with my hair.

It is long, it gets in the way, it takes me forever to get ready. And oftentimes I am accidentally suffocating you with it, getting it on your stuff, shedding it, but you never complain. You just simply brush it off as if it were your own.

9. Thank you for letting me need you.

This isn't hard for me because it's almost impossible not to. But yes, I am annoying, and I know I saw you yesterday and the day before that, an hour ago, five minutes ago, but you still let me miss you, and you still let me need a hug and a kiss even if I bug you endlessly.

10. Thank you for taking on life with me.

We have been to concerts, record shops, cities both big and small, and you have been beside me through every single thing. Whether it was screaming your lungs out next to me, or making me look both ways before crossing the street, buying me a T-shirt because I thought it was cute, or letting me obsess over baseball players at the Braves game. Thank you for writing me a song and singing it to me on my bad days. You take on the tough and the fun with me.

11. Thank you for letting me play "my music."

We've spent a lot of time in the car going places and both being the music lovers we are, we have to have music on all the time. You pedal through my Justin Bieber, heavy rap, slow love songs, classical, and screamo that one time. You've heard it all and you still let me sing my favorite parts and then turn it to another one right after that.

12. Thank you for knowing just what to say.

For someone who claims they're not good with words, you never not know what to say when I need it most and always at the right time. Despite how crazy things can be and how crazy I can sound, you always swoop in and swoop me up with the perfect words. I am incredibly grateful for you and your love.

14. Thank you for making me feel like the sun.

You keep me happy, you keep me where the light is. You make me feel like the most beautiful ray of light in this world. You graciously hold me up high. I am so thankful that even when I think I am the moon, you let me be the sun.

15. Thank you for being willing to open up.

You were shy when I met you. Quiet. But now, you never hesitate to talk to me. You open up and you let me inside. You let me, even if for a moment, have a glimpse inside your world. You let me see your dreams and desires. You are compassionate and kind and you inspire me to be my best. I'm lucky to be small inside of your world that is so big.

16. Thank you for thinking that I'm funny.

Because I am so not. I can't count the numerous times I've done something and you've laughed with me, or should I say at me? Either way, you let me let you laugh and that is so rewarding.

17. Thank you for being patient with me.

I am difficult, and I am totally a drama queen, but you put up with me. You wait on me hand and foot and you never rush me when it comes to making decisions. You encourage me to always keeping going and to wait for the good.

18. Thank you for sharing food with me.

Like that one time at Chili's when we couldn't decide between a steak and some quesadillas, so we got both. You rock my world. You would give the last bite to me, and even if I said I didn't want it, you would know I did.

19. Thank you for being my best friend.

You make all the difference every single day. I am truly lucky to take on this life with you. To stand by your side and conquer everything hand in hand with you. I can tell you anything, I can cry and yell and whine, but you never leave me. You encourage me, support me, forgive me. You are the person I want to tell all my bad news to, the good news, and even the stuff no one would care about. You are the best part of me.

20. Thank you for loving me.

I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I hope that this life with you never ends. I am not always at my best, but you see it in me. I am not always strong, but you are for me. I am not always lovable, but you love me.

I don't know what the future will be like and I don't know how it gets any better than this, but I sure do know one thing: I am lucky to love someone who makes life and love so easy. So, thank you, for being everything (brown eyes and all) that I never knew I needed. I love you.

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