I read a quote (on Pinterest, of course) that said "Be boldly authentic."
This struck me. Maybe because I preach gentle boldness. Maybe because I am currently on a journey to live authentically. Whatever the reason, those three words stopped me in my tracks.
What does it look like to be boldly authentic?
Is it OK to be a little nervous about that idea?
To be bold is to live in such a way that your actions match your beliefs. You don't hold back. Boldness is not being rash, tough or forging through screaming your beliefs to the world. Sometimes, boldness is simple like wearing those red shoes when no one else around you wears red shoes. Sometimes, boldness means having a quiet conversation with someone who needs to hear truth. Sometimes, boldness is embarking on a new adventure. Sometimes, boldness is simply taking the next step, then the next, then the next.
Know what is right. Know who you are. Know what God has gifted with you and be bold. Don't hold back. Seek wisdom, take advise, ask for counsel. Be bold.
To be authentic is to be OK with everyone else knowing you're not OK. This has been a hard one for me. Drop the Superman or Superwoman act. It's OK. The person next to you isn't perfect. The person writing to you isn't perfect. The person you want to be perfect for isn't perfect. It's OK to share what you are struggling with. Actually, it's good. This life isn't meant to be lived in isolation. We need the support and encouragement and experiences from those around us. Seek out authentic friendships. The time of being timid is over.
That wonderfully authentic person you've been admiring from afar? Yeah, that one. He or she mostly likely wants to be your friend. Take the risk. Be bold. Force yourself to be authentic.
The problem with being both bold and authentic is that it is not easy. I get it. I really, truly, honestly understand.
When I am faced with having to be bold? My heart starts racing. Fear screams out my insecurities. Sweat starts to form on my forehead and palms. It's not easy. You have to consciously choose to move forward in boldness because acting on what you believe to be true is far more important than turning back in fear.
When I think I should probably be authentic and real with someone? I physically shake. I'm not joking, this really happens. I cannot form the words I need to and my body literally trembles.
To be bold authentic for me is to be unashamedly myself. To live my life portraying the real me rather than the me I think others want. The people who are worth having in your life are the people that will love you no matter what. Look for those people. Life is too short to be worried about what others will think of your red shoes or your new haircut or the sound of your laugh. Be bold in who you are.
Both boldness and authenticity have one enemy in my life: Fear. I have to choose each day to fight the fears of failure that hold me back from being bold. Each day, I have to choose to believe that others will still love me when they find out I'm not perfect as a result of being authentic. I have to choose.
So, friend, be bold. Be authentic. Fight those fears. I promise you, it's worth it.
Whatever you are wading through in life, be boldly authentic. Being fearless is not about not having any fears. Being fearless is about choosing to act and speak despite those fears.
Being fearless is being boldly authentic.