Blast From The Past
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Blast From The Past

In this interview, I was able to go back to a time of black and white TV, records, and something called a "transistor radio".

Blast From The Past

There is no doubt that media has changed significantly from the 1950s to the 2010s. My grand-uncle, Uncle Jack, grew up in the 1950s when TVs and records were the height of technology. I was so lucky to be able to hear his stories and experiences which began in the 1950s and are continuing on through 2017.

What are your most important memories related to radio and records?

"I remember dreaming of getting a transistor radio. I would go to the local TV store, located in a one-block-long shopping complex, and I would look in the window at the transistor radios on display. Most of the radios were large, the size of a Kleenex box. But, there was one small radio, with the length and width of today’s iPhone 7, only it was two inches thick. That was what I wanted. Every time I walked past the TV store, my eyes stay focused on the tiny transistor radio."

"My friend in the fifth grade, Michael, had that same transistor radio that was the dream. Michael told me that his father gave him the black transistor radio. We would go over to the corner of the playground, Michael would take out his small transistor radio and let it glimmer in my eyes. Then he would turn on the radio and we would listen to the top 40 stations. Top 40 meaning the 40most popular hits of the week."

"Michael told me that you could tell if the battery was good if you put the small round posts at the top of the battery on to your tongue. He would test the battery and I would test the battery. I could feel the strong shock on my tongue. I knew the battery was at full strength. At least five times, I remember kneeling down in the playground and repeating the same motions over and over. I was especially impressed with all of the wires crammed between the resistors, diodes, and transistors, connecting everywhere in the small black plastic box, something early on before solid-state circuitry."

"School was out and my birthday was coming. I asked my father if I could have a small transistor radio. He said, “Yes.” When I opened the birthday box, my brain was just like the battery on my tongue. It was the greatest thrill of my young life. My grandfather took me to a Giants baseball game and I took my transistor radio. Now, I could know all of the action, the names of the players, what baseball maneuvers were taking place--the balls, the strikes, and the score. The transistor radio was the hallmark change in baseball games and now I had one. What an experience."

Was there a favorite radio or TV Show you had and why did you like it so much?

"Nothing could top Superman. “Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look, up in the sky. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman.” The announcer would go on proclaiming that Superman fought a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way.” What an icon. I had a Superman costume and disguised myself as Clark Kent, glasses and all, hiding the costume with a button shirt and tucking cape into the back of my pants. When the call came in for Superman, I would rapidly unbutton my shirt and turn into Superman. I was Superman. I still watch the 50’s Superman episodes, thinking how Superman and the TV series significantly impacted my life."

"Then there was High School. My freshman English teacher, Mr. Celli, called the TV, “The Idiot Box.” Every weak, Mr. Celli would scold students for not studying because they were sitting in front of the “Idiot Box.” In his disciplinary voice, he would say, “What were you doing, sitting in front of the idiot box?” “I don’t sit in front of the idiot box, I read, he would say in his supercilious tone of a President."

At that point, my attitude changed from fun and entertaining TV to Mr. Celli’s concept of the Idiot Box. I still enjoyed watching the idiot box, but I found some TV programs annoying, especially when I see the TV on 18 hours a day and no one is watching it or listening to the program.

When I am visiting friends or family and they are talking in groups and I see no one is watching TV, I have, on occasion, turned the TV off. Conversations stopped, eyebrows are raised, then an angry person stomps over to the TV and turns it on. The reaction is like I turn out the lights or I released gas standing among the guests.

I still enjoy selected programs like Jeopardy and The price is Right, but not while eating. I don't want to hear four people talking and an audience shouting while I am eating. I enjoy talking at the table without the distractions of the Idiot Box.

Overall, what are your views on current technology, including social media?

"The most fascinating element of technology is the Hubble and Webb space telescopes. The Webb telescope will be able to see stars 13 billion light-years away.from us and explore distant galaxies. In my younger years, I was amazed by the moon landing, and the “one small step for man” quotation uttered by Neil Armstrong. Space exploration is fascinating beyond comprehension."

"Current technology” I feel is synonymous with The Computer. I find Shopping on Amazon and e- Bay has fulfilled one of my childhood dreams. When I was a child, I would wait for the newest version of the thick Sears, Montgomery Ward, and Spiegel catalogs. At the time, I thought I could find anything in the endless pages somewhere in the catalogs, but there was always something missing that I needed or wanted to buy. One of my favorite activities with a computer. Photography, along with Photoshop. Social media has taken over people’s lives. How much time is consumed with Facebook and Twitter? I have neither."

What are you looking forward to when it comes to technology today?

"Improvement in technology will never end and likewise, my fascination with technology will be neverending."

Wonder. Wonder is what I realized makes technology so amazing to us. This wonder spans across generations and experiences, bringing us all back to the same childlike wide-eyed, open-mouthed state. I realized the way my grand uncle talked about his transistor radio was the same way I remembered the very first iPod nano, that of course was given to me by him as a Christmas present. All of us as human beings living in an age full of technological advances our predecessors could never have imagined binds us all together. No matter where we are or how old we are, the technology we have been exposed to has shaped our lives. So many people like to talk about how "Technology is ruining our lives!." Those people have never stopped to think about how technology has and always will be constantly improving them. Uncle Jack finished our interview with the words, "Improvement in technology will never end and likewise my fascination with technology will be never-ending." I believe this to be true, just like I believe one day I'll be sitting down with my grandchild, telling them about an outdated thing called an iPod that I got from my grand uncle.

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