Why HSLOT Was The Best Night Of My Life | The Odyssey Online
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Why HSLOT Was The Best Night Of My Life

At least the last 18 years of it.

Why HSLOT Was The Best Night Of My Life

I went to Harry Styles Love on Tour and I fully believe that that was THE highlight of my last 18 years of life.

So first of all, I got to road trip with some of my best friends, and while it was only a 6-hour road trip there and back, it was a lot different than the walk across campus. We got to listen to so much music like One Direction, Hannah Montana, 5 Seconds of Summer, and, of course, Harry Styles.

We also got to spend time telling old stories where the service wasn't good enough for the music to play. Old concerts we went to, like Shawn Mendes or Travis Scott. We told old high school stories about fights in the hallway and our favorite teachers.

Not only did I get to spend time with my friends, but I got to eat at one of the best restaurants ever, at least if you're from central Ohio. If you are from central Ohio, you would know that all of the Max and Ermas were torn down and turned into other restaurants and businesses. Well, not in Cleveland.

We had an original plan of Olive Garden, but when we walked into a 30-minute wait, we realized the Max and Ermas gods had other plans. We got right in and got all the tortilla soup we could eat, which was perfect on our concert schedule.

Now it was time to head to downtown Cleveland for the concert, and we immediately found a parking spot. This was really not what we were expecting, especially with only a 5-minute walk to the arena.

On our walk, we found the perfect spot to take pictures to remember the night. We then caught up with a bunch of other fans at a crosswalk and everyone was SO nice. I mean, Harry did say "treat people with kindness."

When we get to the arena and get in line it, starts moving so fast and we get right in. We went to find our seats, which we thought were nosebleeds, and found out they were actually really good. They were in the first row of the upper level and we could see everything perfectly.

Not only did we have a perfect view of everything, but we were also right next to the merch table. We were able to watch the line go down, wait till the intermission between Jenny Lewis, the opening act, and buy our tour shirts right away.

We got to hear all of our favorite songs and sing as loud as we could. Even though there was no reunion, we did get to hear a classic One Direction song, "What Makes You Beautiful."

Even after the concert we were catching all the luck. We found an alley that took us out the back of the parking lot and we got to skip all the traffic. Before the drive back home, we had to stop at Mcdonald's for iced coffee and fries, and even got an extra for free.

After this amazing day, I got to sleep in my own bed before heading back to my dorm. My only complaint about the night has to be getting that "no storage" notification while trying to record my favorite song.

If you are a Harry fan and reading this right now, take my advice: do whatever it takes to get yourself to a show. You will NOT regret it.

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