2. MUDMASKY Facial Detox Purifying Recovery Mask - $70 | The Odyssey Online
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3 Face Treatments For The Skincare Junkie, Because We All Need A Little Glow Up After This Year

Skincare masks that will calm the breakouts from your COVID-19 masks.

3 Face Treatments For The Skincare Junkie, Because We All Need A Little Glow Up After This Year
Photo by Hemptouch CBD on Unsplash

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2020 has certainly been the year of face masks - in more ways than one. Due to the constant wearing of my face mask that helps prevent getting COVID-19, I've noticed an increasing need to find face masks to add to my skincare routine so that I can undo the breakouts being caused by the medical masks. I have a membership with IPSY, a brand that allows you to customize your beauty needs and sends you products on a monthly basis. With that being said, I decided to make skincare a priority when choosing items for my monthly bag. Though I was hesitant at first, I ended up being very pleased with the results of the following skincare masks.

1. GENERATION SKIN Urban Defence Purifying Pink Australian Clay Mask - $30

Generation Skin's Pink Clay Mask has been one of my go-to products throughout the year. It includes Vitamins A and C, and works hard to cleanse dirt that is stuck beneath the pores. In my opinion, this is a relatively mild mask that works especially well on combination skin types (like myself). It does not dry out my cheeks, and it pulls dirt and oil from my t-zone effectively. I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a simple mask with multiple benefits that can be used at various times throughout the week.

2. MUDMASKY Facial Detox Purifying Recovery Mask - $70

MUDMASKY's Purifying Recovery Mask is one of my favorite finds of 2020 by far. In my opinion, this mask does it all. It combines the benefits of being pore refining, hydrating, and anti-aging, all while brightening and smoothing skin. I rely on this mask to help remove dirt and oil from my pores after a long day of wearing a mask - especially if I am also wearing makeup. In comparison to other masks that I have tried, I really do feel like the Purifying Recovery Mask does a notable job of hydrating my skin. I never notice dryness after using it, and it serves as an exfoliant to any old skin on the face. Of course, IPSY only offers customers sample sized products in their bags, but I loved my sample so much that I went on to buy the large bottle. Though it is on the more expensive side, I truly feel that it is worth the splurge - especially considering the fact that a little goes a long way. All in all, I would recommend this product to anyone that is willing to listen.

3. GEORGETTE KLINGER Collagen & Elastin Mask - $32

Last - but certainly not least - we have the Collagen & Elastin Mask by Georgette Klinger. As you can see from the bottle, this product is very versatile because it works on almost all skin types. Collagen and elastin work to keep skin looking soft and supple, while lavender and avocado oils work to fight dryness. As a person with combination skin, I found this product to work very well for me. It struck a perfect balance of hydration and detoxing, and its lightweight texture made it breathable and comfortable to apply. I will say that this product has not been my go-to in terms of fighting an exceptionally bad breakout, but rather a nice pick-me-up for when my skin is looking clear. I would recommend this product to those with mild or infrequent breakouts, as well as to anyone who wants to add a bit of glow to their skincare routine.

Any of these masks would be the perfect gift for the skincare junkie in your life, but don't just stop there. If you're looking to show yourself a little love this holiday season, start by purchasing one of these masks.

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