On Tuesday, July 12th, Bernie Sanders declared his endorsement to the Democratic Primary winner Hillary Clinton. Some Sanders supporters were outraged and stated that this would "still not make them vote for her," but my question is why not?
Clinton has, in fact, had her history with the US government system and has been questioned by the people time and time again. But if Sanders is willing to support her as the candidate, why should others not follow? My theory is, if we can't have him then we don't want anyone, therefore Donald Trump would then get elected. Now, I know that is not what Sanders supporters would want. So we must come together and win the election in November.
I know it's difficult to not have Sanders as the primary winner, but Clinton has had so much experience and time in politics. I know she may not stand for the "no big money," but every single politician has done so before her, why is it all of a sudden the main issue? She agrees with Sanders in so many aspects that it adds up. But we should take into consideration that even though someone may promise something, it doesn't mean it will get passed, but that goes for any politician.
Hillary may not seem like the ideal candidate to some, but she has worked hard to be where she is today. The FBI has even cleared her from any charges because of the emails, and like Sanders said, "Who cares about ya damn emails?" So put that behind you if that is what is holing you back, she's a human being for crying out loud. At least she stands for equality, whereas Trump supports banning all Muslims and doesn't respect women.
I would much rather have an experienced, calm-thinking, and hard-working woman in office rather than someone who will throw a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. So, I go to any Sanders supporter who seems on the fence, to still vote. Yes, it's not for our original candidate, but it's for someone whom he supports. We must not back down from this fight now; we have to be "stronger together." We must still stand by his decision and continue to support him.
Hillary has the qualifications to run this country with a strong back bone. She has gone through trials and answered so many questions over her emails. She has learned from her lessons just as normal people do every day. It's time to put these things behind us, and open ourselves up to a future where everyone can continue to grow towards equality.
In all honesty, I was shocked that this happened so quickly, but I'm also very happy it did. Without those extra votes, Clinton may not make it into the White House. Splitting the vote is not an option at this point in the game, and neither is not voting.
But, hey, we can always hope for a Sanders VP position.