Bernie Sanders Is Running For President In 2020
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Bernie Sanders Is Running For President In 2020 And Dems Just Handed The GOP The Election, Again

Being a rich white male won't get you far in the Democratic party nowadays

Bernie Sanders Is Running For President In 2020 And Dems Just Handed The GOP The Election, Again

After months of speculation, Bernie Sanders has officially announced he is running for President again in 2020. After losing to Hilary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primary, Senator Sanders is now the twelfth candidate to run for the 2020 Democratic nomination along the likes of: Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Kamala Harris, ex-San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, former W. Va. state Sen. Richard Ojeda, former Rep. John Delaney, author Marianne Williamson and former tech executive Andrew Yang.

While many are excited to see Senator Sanders back for another round, realistically the man has no shot at the nomination in 2020.

In 2016, he was the only candidate with extreme leftist views as he proudly proclaimed himself to be a "democratic socialist". His anti-establishment views, Medicare for all mindset, $15 minimum wage, and tuition-free colleges ideas made him well known in both the Democratic and Republican parties. At the time, Democrats were hesitant to back these socialist views of Senator Sanders in fear of being too extreme by party supporters. This is part of the reason why Hilary Clinton won the Democratic nomination because in comparison to Senator Sanders, her views were seen as less extreme and coming from a woman was a huge plus as well.

Cut to 2019 in America, the socialist ideas that Senator Sanders preached about in 2016 are now alive and thriving rapidly. The only bad thing for Senator Sanders is now he is not seen as the ideal candidate to further these ideas. Recently, a new wave of Democrats in the House of Representatives have tried to counteract President Trump's agenda with a lot of socialist backed ideas. These new socialist ideas have gained a lot of media attention due to the now-famous representatives who have backed them. Representatives Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have both been very popular in the media and sadly with American citizens even though they are well-known socialists. Due to their popularity, it is quite clear that people are okay with candidates who are women and minorities to run with socialist ideas openly but now not so much with men.

This is why Senator Sanders does not stand a chance for even the Democratic nomination anymore because:

1. he's a man

2. he's white.

This is where it gets fun.

For the longest time, Democrats have proclaimed they are the party that does not discriminate against race, status, or gender but yet that's exactly what they will do when it comes time to select a candidate to be the Democratic nomination. Since Senator Sanders is a white man that is worth an estimated $2 million dollars, he won't get the nomination.

If they put forward a rich white male, it will contradict everything their party now stands for and everything they have said against President Trump for the entirety of his presidency for the exact same reasoning. Another reason why Senator Sanders will not get the nomination is the Democratic party has to win over swing voters and Senator Sanders views are too extreme to win over people who are not necessarily Democrats but voted for President Trump in 2016. The Democratic Party needs to find someone who will not appear too extreme to voters but with the candidates announced so far for the Democratic nomination, good luck with that.

Senator Sanders missed his one and only shot for a nomination in 2016. Democrats will not put forward a rich, white, male and that is guaranteed at least for the 2020 election. It is fair to say the Democratic nomination in 2020 will more than likely be a female, a female of a minority, or a male of a minority.

Despite everything that is said in the news, President Trump still has a strong chance of winning a second term. The GOP proved they are strategic and there is no chance they will not go down without giving it there all. With the rise in socialism becoming acceptable in America, there is no doubt conservatives will fight this effort once again during the 2020 election. President Trump has recently been making some bold decisions that have not only paid off for America but have also paid off in his polling. After his State of The Union Address, polls showed President Trump's public approval got a large boost and pushed him over the 50% marker.

Like it or not, President Trump has a real shot at winning but Senator Sanders does not.

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