Youth Sports Benefits: 5 Reasons to Join a Team | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

5 Benefits of Youth Sports

Participation in youth sports leads to better mental and physical health.

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This is a response to High School Soccer Is Wildly Important.

In elementary and middle school, I was prone to whining when my parents would wake me up for swim team practice. Sure, it was my idea to join the team in the first place...but having to leave your warm bed at 6 a.m. and dive into a cold pool is a powerful factor for changing one's mind. I begged my parents to quit, but they made me finish the season.

Looking back on it, I'm glad they did. Participation in youth sports has several powerful benefits for kids and adolescents. Here are five of the most notable pluses of joining a sports team:

Lower body fat

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This one might seem obvious, but it's no less important. Lower rates of body fat are correlated with better health and lower rates of serious diseases, including cancer.

Stronger bones

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Performing physical activities is crucial for bone health. The load-bearing movements practiced in sports lead to reduced risk of bone diseases, like osteoporosis.

Higher self-esteem

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Working hard and achieving fitness goals translates to other area's of a child's life, building their self-confidence across the board.

Problem solving skills

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Working together as part of a team to reach a common goal fosters communication skills and social cooperation.

Lower stress levels

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Regular exercise is a great way to release pent-up stress. The earlier in life a person develops healthy coping mechanisms like exercise, the better!

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