The Benefits Of A "Flexitarian" Diet
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The Benefits Of A "Flexitarian" Diet

By incorporating different aspects of eating styles into your diet, you can enrich your health and taste buds.

The Benefits Of A "Flexitarian" Diet

When I was six, I realized the same chicken my mom fed me was the same chicken I read about in storybooks. So in the first grade, I declared, on Tuesdays I would be vegetarian. Because as unsettling as this epiphany had left me, I couldn't give it all up cold turkey (pun well intended).

This elementary phase wore off quickly. And from then on I never again meddled around with vegetarianism, for fear of societal stigma and my mom disowning me. Whenever I thought back to my meatless Tuesdays I laughed at such a flimsy commitment. Recently, my thoughts have changed.

My aunt considers herself a "flexitarian." She does not eat red meat, eats dairy freely, and limits her consumption of white meat. Previously, I thought this label resembled my uneducated six-year-old philosophy. How could you be a quasi-vegetarian? You're either all in or all out. But I'm realizing my aunt and my first-grade self might have the right idea about all of this.

You see, you don't have to be "one or the other" to be a healthy eater. No matter what side you choose, arguments will follow. You eat meat? You're contributing to greenhouse gas emission. You don't eat meat? You're not giving your body enough protein. You eat dairy? Our bodies weren't met to process lactose. You don't eat dairy? You're not getting enough calcium.

The disputes are endless and often, they're all meaningless. You can eat meat that is grown sustainably and is good for you. You can be a vegetarian and get your protein from eggs or beans. You can eat dairy and provide your body with great vitamins or nutrients. You can skip the milk and still take supplements that will balance out your nutrients.

Ultimately, there is a whole host of benefits to each diet. Here are some illustrated benefits to eating meatless:

On the flip side, meat is a great source of natural protein, iron, and Vitamins A, D, and B-complexes.

When it comes down to it all: how is the food you put into your body impacting your individual health and the health of our world? Thanks to an endless array of modern food options, you can make these decisions without sacrificing taste or convenience.

By eating a flexitarian diet, you can reap the benefits of vegetarian and veganism while still enjoying the social aspects and traditions associated with carnivorous diets. According to registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner, who coined the term flexitarian in 2009, it's "about adding five food groups to your diet – not taking any away. These are: the 'new meat' (tofu, beans, lentils, peas, nuts and seeds, and eggs); fruits and veggies; whole grains; dairy; and sugar and spice (everything from dried herbs to salad dressing to agave nectar sweetener)." It boils down to conscious decision-making, not eating anything just because it's there.

Similar to the flexitarian diet, the VB6 diet suggests eating vegan before six p.m. By doing so, you have a more streamlined goal, benefit from healthy plant-based habits, and can still go out for dinner grabbing a burger with friends. I highly suggest reading this interview with Mark Bittman, creator of the VB6 diet. He talks about how the "protein myth" and how he is able to compete in marathons while eating plant-based.

The hard truth is, we don't have to eat meat. We over consume it at alarming rates, it places unnecessary strains on our health, economy, and the environment. But that doesn't mean we have to eliminate it from our diets entirely — a change that is far too unrealistic. There is too much stigma around meat or dairy substitutes for that to happen. However, these foods have no reason to be scrutinized. Most people, after being brave enough to try them, realize just how good they taste. Making little swaps, varying our diets, and trying new things, will ultimately benefit all aspects of the eating experience — and who can argue with that?

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