What It's Really Like To Be A Young Mom
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What It's Really Like To Be A Young Mom

New or young moms: you're not alone.

What It's Really Like To Be A Young Mom

1. You Will Be Criticized

Being a young mommy myself I have learned that telling everyone you're pregnant at a young age is stressful. It makes you fear what they're going to say or how they will react. From this point on in life, everyone in your small town, your family, and all of your friends and even doctors are going to judge you. You'll hear the "OMG you're too young! How will you afford it?!" People you have never talked to from high school will draw their opinions of you without knowing you. I had to learn early on that changing your phone number and loving the life inside you is more rewarding than arguing with friends, family, or doctors that you are going to be an awesome mom.

2. You Will Have All Eyes On You All The Time

I'm not sure how many times I heard the "they're dressing him in THAT?!" or even as much as family watching to make sure you're doing everything from taking the prenatal vitamin the whole way to saving money. The best part about this one is that you already know you have everyone's attention so this is the best opportunity you will have to prove to everyone what an awesome mom you are.

3. Having A Baby At Any Age Means Sacrifice

I had to learn early on that we had the option to go out to our favorite restaurant or buying a couple packs of diapers. The difference here is that it is not about you and your significant other anymore. The most important thing is the baby you are giving life to. At the age of 20 I can say that sleep was my best friend. After I had him I was excited when he would cry just so I could hold him one more time that night. Sleep was the least of my worries. It also means that you will learn who is or is not your friend. Letting people from the past go only makes room to let better people in.

4. Being A New Mom Means Learning

You are going to learn so many things as a new mom. As a young mom you truly don't really even know yourself yet and now you have this whole other life to take care of. Many women get the instinct that right away you know what to do with baby. Sometimes it is a bit harder than that and women have to learn along the way. Not only will you learn about baby but you will discover things about yourself and your significant other. I never thought I could run on two hours of sleep and fully function while taking care of a tiny little baby but I did it. I never thought my fiancé would be able to cut the umbilical cord (he has a weak stomach) but he did. I tell everyone this, "Who you are when you go into the hospital in labor is not the person you are going to be in two days when you finally get to bring baby home. (in most cases)

5. Sometimes You'll Need Help. That's OK.

I remember being in the hospital when my Mom and Nana told me they took the spare key and went in and cleaned my house. We weren't expecting my son for another three weeks and I knew my house was a mess. I was embarrassed. However, when I got home to a clean house and I could adjust to being a mom it was so helpful. My family was kind enough to bring food over so I wouldn't have to cook and I learned something; It's OK to get help. You will be exhausted. If you're like me your fiancé wasn't given any more than two days off work so now you're home with this beautiful little baby by yourself. Ask for help when you need it.

6. Take A Break

The most important thing is making sure that you take time to yourself or with your significant other. I learned that strung out, stressed, exhausted mommy was WAY worse than mommy that had someone watch baby so I could nap, go to dinner with my fiancé, or just take an hour or two and just sit in silence. I struggled and still struggle with something we call "mommy guilt." I feel bad when I leave him because that's another hour in the day I could watch his gorgeous smile. But I have also learned that leaving that mommy guilt behind is for the best. You deserve a break too!

7. New Experiences

Some advice I would give any new mommy is not to be a hermit. Can you honestly say that before you had baby that you sat at home all day long watchin movies or tweeting? I know we didn't. Why let having a baby stop you? The magical thing about having a baby is that every day they can experience their '1st' something. First time at the park, first time at the lake, or first holidays. Always take pictures. When they're older you get to show them all of the magical moments you got to share and they can share those times with their kids one day.

8. Being Mommy Means Responsibility

There is now this tiny being who needs your help to eat, move around, and sometimes even help getting to sleep. So ask yourself, "Is staying up for the newest episode of The Voice more important than that extra hour of sleep?" I'm here to tell you it is not. When baby sleeps, I sleep! Having such responsibility means keeping the house clean, keeping everything in the house baby could possibly need(diapers, wipes, etc.), and even just making sure you wake up every 2-3 hours to feed him. That's right, even at night! It means making sure that everyone washes their hands, the whole way to just even keeping baby safe.

9. There Is No Such Thing As The "Perfect Mom"

I remember coming home from the hospital with a tiny jaundice baby and thinking how important it was to feed him every two hours every night until he was at a healthy weight. One night I slept an hour past my alarm and cried for a long time. I quickly realized that was the first of many 'oopsies' I was going to have to experience. It happens and there is nothing to be ashamed of!

10. Being Mommy Means That You Experience Unconditional Love For The First Time

I had a 16 hour labor and I now realize how lucky I was to be through it that quickly compared to other moms I know. It was truly the worst pain of my life but as soon as they placed him in my arms I bawled like a baby and the only words i could get out were "he's perfect!" This love I have for him is so strong that every time he fits a bigger size diaper or new size outfit, I cry. I mean real tears. This strong of love means waking up at 4a.m. and waiting for them to wake up so you can hold and feed them. Yes, I am 'that' crazy mom. The one most important thing to remember as a young mom is that if you do the best you can and love with all you have, what people say or how they treat you will never compare to the bond you will have with your baby. Be strong. Be courageous. Always have faith.

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