Yup, it’s a few weeks into summer. I don’t know about you, but currently, Netflix and I have a love/hate relationship. As I wait for each episode to play, I have a nervous tick. A ball of anxious energy grows in my tummy. I’m antsy. I want my friends to text me so that I can get off my butt and do something with my life. I even want my Mom to burst into the room and tell me to do the dishes or to wash my car. I feel guilt settling in for not waking up early to work out. I need something to do; I need a sense of purpose.
BUT NO, I don’t want anyone to text me. I can’t even glance at my phone. NO ONE can distract me from House Hunters before I know which house this couple chooses. And, if my laptop dies during New Girl, I can (and will) scream.
If you can’t tell, I’m confused and unhappy with this lifestyle, but I don’t think I’m the only one with this confusion. Hi, my name’s Hailey, and I have Netflix Anxiety.
The good news is, I have discovered some reasonable home remedies, and maybe even cures to Netflix Anxiety. I hope they can help you as much as they have helped me, and give you back some drive to be (somewhat) productive!
1. Call your grandma, or any relative.
They love you a lot, and you finally have 20+ minutes to talk to them!
2. Make Spotify playlists
Impress your friends with your perfect mood-fitting mixes. Maybe you'll even see your friends jamming to your playlist in your sidebar.
3. Read
You know you want to! Pick up the book your friend lent you three years ago. Find a series. Set some goals. Lets hope I can finish "Harry Potter" by the end of the summer.
4. Geoguessr
Even if you're not a geography buff, you'll have hours of fun with this game. I did! Basically, you're virtually dropped somewhere inside Google Maps (Streetview) and have to guess where you are. Challenge yourself, or invite a friend over and destroy them with your smarts (or luck- they won't know the difference)!
5. Swagbucks
Win amazon gift cards (and more) by taking surveys and playing games! Check out SwagBucks. You don't get the most money, but it can add up!
6. Scholarships
So, school costs a lot of money. (I'm sure you are well aware of this.) Why not take a few hours to write some essays (or copy and paste old ones), and possibly end up with thousands of dollars? Find a website like ScholarshipPowl that can narrow the opportunities down to awards that match your situation, and you'll be on a roll.
7. Cook something yummy
You have to get out of bed at some point to stop the tummy from growling! You might as well make your trip to the kitchen worth it, right? Try a new recipe and be proud of your creation! Or, try this snack: 1T Brown Sugar, 1T Peanut Butter, 1T Oats.
8. Buzzfeed
Quizzes, videos, articles, etc. Who says it's not productive to put time into deciphering your personality type or how well you know "The Office"?
9. Pinterest activity
If you have a Pinterest board of things to do, why don't you do the things to do? Arts and crafts can happen anywhere. If you don't have a board of things to do, you can make a board of things to do and then do those things that you pinned on your board of things to do. Simple!
10. Cover song with friends
You can totally record a video on your bed of you and your friends jammin' to John Mayer or whatever you love to perform. Maybe you'll even become YouTube famous.
11. Meditation
Take time to clear your mind, and feel the most relaxed you've felt in your life. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, what's stopping you!? Try this:
12. Tinder
Because hey, getting to know people is fun! If you never know what to say to your future lovers, just copy and paste this. ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ Who doesn't love connect four?
13. Update your calendar
It's nice to have a game plan, even for the next few weeks/months/years. Organize your brain by taking advantage of your planner or Calendar app.
14. Five Minute Journal App
If you do one thing from this list, DOWNLOAD THIS APP. I love reflecting and journaling, but usually have too many excuses about time to actually journal. This app helps you journal in seconds, helping you focus on what you're grateful for, what you can do to make your day great, and amazing things that happen each day.
15. Crochet/Knit
Start making your own Christmas presents NOW! Think of the money you'll save and the hugs and smooches you'll receive!
16. Write for the Odyssey
I don't know what I'm doing, but I know that writing is fun! If I can do it, you definitely can.
17. Morning Netflix
If all else fails, go to bed early and wake up early to watch Netflix. Somehow, being up with the chickens just makes you feel more productive. There's nothing more satisfying that sipping on coffee before the rest of the world awakens.