“Why go out and then go to church the same week?” “Did you grow closer to God making that mistake?”
Questions I’ve been asked. Questions that USED to get to me. Excuse me for being human, but there are no excuses for disappointing my maker. Thank You, sweet Jesus for revealing what truly matters. Negative opinions of another human being, not included.
It’s certain that we don’t owe anyone an explanation for what we’ve done or who we are. We are forgiven with each mistake we make, although that doesn’t give us the right to continue to make the same one. Don’t lose sleep though, if you have a pulse- you’re so worthy and so loved. The same person who is asking you questions like the ones I stated above, is the same person who is perfect… Impossible though. No one’s perfect and I’ll never look at another person and think to myself that I want to be like them. No one should have that desire, no matter what cards they’ve been dealt. You are who you are for a reason.
Be your own goals.
So why? Why do we let it bother us? Why do we let people who are no better than us affect our minds?
This brings me to Matthew 7:1“Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use; it will be measured to you.”
I’ve done a little research in the good book and here’s the thing:
When Jesus died on the cross, He didn’t say “I’m being crucified so that you all will be perfect. Be sure to hate those who make mistakes, for you’re better than anyone else because you don’t do what they do.” He specifically said, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.”
Jesus looked down from the cross after He was crucified between two criminals. Our perfect Jesus, between criminals. He looks down to see soldiers who have mocked Him, that just nailed Him to the cross. He remembers the ones who’ve sentenced Him. He remembers His Apostles who deserted Him, Peter who denied Him three times (who only DAYS BEFORE praised Him on His entrance to Jerusalem, and then days later chose Him over Barabbas to be crucified). He looks beside Him to the criminals, down to the soldiers, thinks about the Apostles, along with Peter, and what does He do? What does Jesus do? He forgives. He loves.
Does Jesus think of us too? We who daily forget Him in our lives? Yes. WE ARE EVERYTHING TO HIM. Did He know there would be times where we would fall short of His glory and sin so very often? Yes. Does He react angrily? No. In the midst of His physical suffering, His love never weakened and He asked His Father to forgive. Jesus asks His Father to forgive and it is by His Sacrifice on the Cross that WE are able to be forgiven. He spent His final hours on Earth teaching forgiveness, which brings me to Lord’s prayer- “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
When asked by Peter how many times we should forgive someone, Jesus replied, “seventy times seven.” Jesus explains His crucifixion to His Apostles (at the last supper) where He tells them to drink of the cup: “Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” He forgives the paralytic, the adulteress caught in the act, and even following His Resurrection- His first act is to teach His disciples forgiveness; “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they’re forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they’re retained.”
With all this have been said, I have a challenge to you andmyself:
I challenge us to love everyone. To think back to when Jesus was on the cross, between two criminals, looking down at those who literally hated and betrayed Him. Think about how He loves them just as much as He loved those that praised Him. Think about how He only loves us more, regardless of how short of His glory we have fallen and will continue to fall. Think about how He not only loves you, me, but EVERYONE. Even the person you’re not fond of. Even the person who broke your heart. Even the person who is so mean to you and you have no idea why.
You LOVE them too. It is your job. So yeah, love them but STOP LOSING SLEEP OVER THEIR NEGATIVITY.
I also challenge you to ‘confront’ like Jesus would. For example, when you see a person who says they love Jesus and they go to church, etc… When you see them make a mistake, rather than venting about it to social media or gossiping to your friends, approach them in a kind manner. Let them know that what they’re doing may be affecting their walk with the Lord and that you’re only concerned because you LOVE them. They’ll understand if they truly seek Christs’ grace, which is what we all should do. Letting someone know they’re loved, over judging them, will follow you for the rest of your days. You will be rewarded.
This post isn’t about me. It isn’t some escape to any wrong I’ve done. It isn’t to make me look like this awesome person. It isn’t about the temporary pain that gets the best of us sometimes. It’s about Him, what He’s done, what He’s doing, and what He deserves from us. We owe Him big time, although He doesn’t ask us for much.
Let us love everyone for we are all loved equally.