Be Your Most Productive Self
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Be Your Most Productive Self

Tricks and Tips for Working Most Productively

Be Your Most Productive Self

1. Know your most productive hour.

Everyone's natural body rhythms work differently, which is why it's so important to know when you are most productive during the day. For me, it's anytime between 8 am and 11 am. I also know that around 3 in the afternoon, I become mentally useless for an hour or two. Knowing your best working hour can help you get the most out of your day.

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2. It's okay to take breaks.

You're working hard, even during your productive times. Know that it's also important to take breaks. Go outside, get some coffee, call your mom. There are some great apps like Focus, or my personal favorite for iPhones, Tide. These apps allow you to set up timers that have built in breaks in order to achieve maximum productivity. Focus allows you to reward yourself by planting trees, and Tide has different themes and nature sounds to help you stay focused. It's easy to get mentally fatigued when you're working hard, so plan out your workload with built in breaks.

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3. Switch it up.

There are many ways to switch up the way you work. Sometimes a change of scenery encourages productivity. Try the coffee shop; there's often free wi-fi, and places like Starbucks have free refills on certain drinks if you're a member. Especially for extroverts, this is a great way to still be around people and get your work done. If you're tired of the coffee shop, try even sitting outside or in a different room of the house. Different environments can affect you in a variety of ways, and you never know if something new could work better for you!

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4. Keep a planner.

I am an incredibly visual person. Not only is my planner personalized, but it is also perfectly color coordinated by due date and activity. While not everyone requires that amount or organization, planners are a great way to make sure you're getting all of your work done in a timely manner and allows you to plan ahead. Companies like Plum Paper have fully customizable planners where you can include your classes, dates, or even financial budget. The cheapest ones are only $30, and you can get ones for 6 months or a year. If you want even more customization, bullet journals have taken on the world by wildfire. Bullet journals allow you to plan how you want to plan, and there are plenty of templates online to follow. Planners are a great way to stay on top of your to-do list and stay productive.

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5. Focus on the learning, not the stress.

It's so easy for meltdown mode to kick in when you're drowning in school work. Sometimes it's best to think about the long-term effects of all your hard work. What is your goal? Sometimes the topics are boring or irrelevant to you, but it's in good practice to see how these subjects can apply to your daily (or future) life. Especially if you're worried about getting good grades, take a step back and remember you're also there to learn the information. It will relieve you of some stress, and you'll feel more confident about completing your tasks.

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6. Get a study buddy.

Other people can often be a distraction, but sometimes they can help encourage you to stay on task. Get a group of peers together to study or complete work. Being in a learning environment can motivate you to work hard. Peer pressure isn't always bad!

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7. Take care of yourself.

This one might seem obvious, but it's easy to forget. Drink lots of water and get some rest. Your body needs time to recover from mental fatigue, too. Remember your body is a temple, and you're the architect. Try doing yoga to relax your mind after a long day of work. If yoga isn't your thing, walk your dog, read a book, or watch an episode or two of your favorite TV show. Make sure you're happy, and it'll take a load of stress off of you.

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8. Treat yo self.

Did you get the A you studied your a** off for? Did you get everything done with hours to spare before bedtime? Treat yo self! This can mean different things for different people. Get your nails done, have dinner with friends, go to sleep early. You should reward yourself for doing well, you deserve it!

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9. An organized desk is an organized mind.

This one can be very difficult for those who are always on the go. An organized space will make it easier for your brain to focus on the task at hand rather than getting distracted by the piles of food and work in your peripheral vision. One way to make cleanliness a habit is to make a vow to clean up your space right before you go to bed. It can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and it'll make you feel better when you start working again the next day.

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10. Work smarter, not harder.

There are some people who will always do the bare minimum. Then again, there are other people who always do way more than expected. I fall into the latter category, and I realized that I wasted a lot of time doing meaningless exercises. I bring a worksheet or one study guide with me wherever I go so I can do an exercise or study a term before my next class. It's an easy way to get ahead in work, and a great way to spend otherwise wasted time. Knowing how I learn and work productively has increased my efficiency and productivity overall.

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