If The Everyone From "The Bachelorette" Was A "Shameless" Character
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If The Everyone From "The Bachelorette" Was A "Shameless" Character

The guys on this show are nothing if not shameless.

If The Everyone From "The Bachelorette" Was A "Shameless" Character

When I looked at the contestants on this season of the Bachelorette, I couldn’t resist comparing them to the characters of the other show I am currently watching — Shameless. Two of my favorite shows merged into one, what could go wrong? If the guys on the Bachelorette were cast in Shameless, this is who they would be.

1. Alex (A Little Too Honest) – Liam Gallagher

Alex is playful and has a childlike demeanor, not unlike Liam Gallagher. He seems a little naïve when it comes to being an adult, i.e. I think his mom still makes him meals if you know what I mean. He had no problem admitting he peed in the pool, just a like a child admits to things after the fact… except it was on the Ellen show.

2. Lucas (obsessed with Blake E.) – Karen Jackson

Lucas and Karen have several things in common. They are both attention whores, and do whatever they can to get attention from the person they are currently manipulating. He is in a rivalry with the Mandy Milkavich on the show over the affection of the person they are fighting over. He definitely qualifies as crazy, and despite the results of the child challenge, I have doubts that he would want anything to do with a child, much like the lovely and selfish Karen.

3. Blake E. (obsessed with Lucas) – Mandy Milkavich

Blake is a try-hard, as is Mandy Milkavich. On the one hand, it seems as though he is trying to warn Rachel that Lucas is not here for the right reasons, just as Mandy warns Lip that Karen is not good for him. However, he adds in that sprinkle of crazy when he literally cannot talk about ANYTHING ELSE for the duration of his stint on the show, just like Mandy shows her crazy when she hits Karen with a car. Minor differences, same effect. B*tch, you crazy.

4. Adam (Creepy Doll Guy) – Mickey Milkovich

Adam is the guy that there’s something a little off with. It’s not that he’s creepy per se, but that doll that he carries around adds several creeper points to his score. Mickey Milkovich is not to be messed with, and I sense that there is an element of that in Adam’s personality, we just haven’t seen it in full display yet. Honestly, he’s a pretty emotional guy, he just hides it really well. Wait ‘til the other crazies go home, and I sense that Adam will fill that role.

5. Bryan (the eager smoocher) – Lip Gallagher

Bryan seems like someone who could get by with very little, and probably has street smarts. Just like Lip, he seems really intelligent, and very good with the ladies. In the first episode when he takes initiative and kisses Rachel, it shows that just like Lip, he is very confident in himself and isn’t wasting anytime and just goes for what he wants. Not a bad quality to have in someone.

6. Dean (male model) – Mike Pratt

Just like Mike Pratt, Dean seems to have it together. He’s a likable and very attractive guy, but at the same time, he’s kind of naïve. He’s the guy who would have no clue his GF is sleeping with his brother, and wouldn’t really know what to do even if he found out. I feel like Dean needs a life coach, or permanent babysitter. He’s cute and all, but he’s definitely a boy, not a man.

7. DeMario (secret girlfriend and liar) – Steve/Jimmy

Well, DeMario (if that’s even your real name) was easy because he and Steve both have a double life, and are skilled liars. On Bachelorette, it came out that DeMario had a GF prior to coming on the show and was still in contact with her, trying to play Rachel like a fool — SMH. Steve/Jimmy also has a double life several times throughout the show, and even though he was a favorite towards the beginning, a liar is a liar, and no one roots for that guy. Bye, Felicia.

8. Eric (seems confused as to why no one likes him) – Carl Gallagher

Eric is a hothead and in the right context could definitely be kind of a psycho. He’s just really off and seems confused as to why no one likes him, even though he yells at everyone all the time. He seems like the type of person who would enjoy explosions and was probably a very mischievous kid. Carl is a mischievous child and gets into trouble a lot. If Eric continues on this path, he's going to find himself in trouble, too.

9. Fred (Rachel was his babysitter) – Monica Gallagher

Fred, like Monica, just wants to be loved. Although slightly emotionally unstable, Fred and Monica are nice people, but just need to figure out their lives a bit. I think I speak for everyone when I say I cringed when he asked if he could kiss Rachel — just do it, hun. Fred needs to grow up a bit and quit acting like a little boy. Monica needs to grow up and act like a mom for her kids. They both need to look for love in people who are interested in loving them. Maybe in time they’ll learn, but maybe not.

10. Kenny (the wrestler and dad) – Kevin Ball

Kenny is funny, loves being a dad, and has a big personality. Kevin is the same way. They both are not the brightest tools in the shed, but each have merit and intelligence regarding what their interests are. If you ever got into a fight, you’d want Kevin and Kenny to be your backup, no question.

11. Iggy (immediately friend-zoned) – Sheila Jackson

Oh, Iggy. Just like Sheila, Iggy plays mom for a house of unruly people, trying to keep them in line, and help Fiona/Rachel run her house. They are often taken advantage of because they are rather docile and accommodating, but they are both really good people. Sheila and Iggy just need to find people who appreciate them more.

12. Jonathan (tickle-monster, seems to not have reached puberty yet) – Debbie Gallagher

Jonathan reminds me a lot of Debbie. Seems very inexperienced and kind of confused about how to go about being romantic with someone. He seemed confused that so many people had already kissed Rachel, but come on dude, this is the Bachelorette, what did you expect — just hand-holding for the first month? You feel for Jonathan and Debbie as they try to figure out all of this, but it’s painful to watch. Here’s hoping, kids.

13. Josiah (lawyer from FL who seems a bit worked up with anything Rach related) – Tony Markavich

Tony slept with Fiona one time and got very attached. Now he gets very defensive of her even though they aren’t in any sort of relationship, and bends over backwards if she asks him to do anything. He’s always working to get into her good graces, and Josiah is behaving similarly. But we all know how that story goes. Sorry, Josiah.

14. Bryce (beat the pro wrestler in wrestling) – Veronica Fisher

Do not underestimate Bryce. He might seem like your average white frat boy, but apparently growing up with all brothers made him tougher than he looks. Just like V, Bryce has a fiery nature and when put to the test, he’s tough. Whether he’s as resourceful and crafty as V? Time will tell.

15. Lee (needs to STFU and go home) – Frank Gallagher

The bane of everyone’s existence – Lee is Frank. The alcoholic, the manipulator, the fiend. Honestly, Frank will do whatever, and step on whomever to get what he wants. He has absolutely no conscience at all. We’ve already seen that Lee has told Eric that “he loves him” and “they’re friends” yet he sh*t talks him to everyone, including Rachel. He just pokes at different bears and then watches when they all turn on each other. He’s a nuisance to everyone and just needs to go home.

16. Peter (hot AF, sign me up) – Ian Gallagher

Ian and Peter both have a sturdy head on their shoulders. They often are settling arguments and taking care of others in their house. They are firm, but fun when needed. They’re willing to make sacrifices for the ones they care about. They both know what they want and go after it, and they are both really respectable guys.

17. Will (very neutral like Switzerland) – Jody Silverman

Will is kind of just there, just like Jody. He’s not really a protagonist or antagonist. He’s just chilling, and trying to get to know Rachel when she gives him time, and if not he’s content just hanging with the guys in the house. Jody is the same way; when Karen or Sheila has time for him he takes it, and when not, he sort of does his own thing. They are both very “chill” dudes.

18. Rachel (the bachelorette) - Fiona Gallagher

You didn’t think I’d forget her, did you?! Rachel is the glue that keeps this house together, just as Fiona is in Shameless. They are both strong, confident and independent women who do not put up with bullsh*t from anyone. They are humble when they need to be, and will do whatever for the ones they love. Rachel and Fiona are forces to be reckoned with, and are both pretty incredible women. Keep doing you, ladies.

These aren’t all the men in the house, but if you want to be in articles and such, you have to make some sort of impression, right? Good luck, Rach. Happy Husband-Selecting in this Shameless show!

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