57 Little Things That Are Just Awesome | The Odyssey Online
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57 Little Things That Are Just Awesome

These makes you appreciate the little things and how many of these awesome little things happen every day in life.


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Inspired by a TED talk based assignment my English teacher assigned us in my senior year of high school, I made a list of some awesome things. Neil Pasricha shares his story of how he began his list of 1,000 awesome things. The TED Talk is super interesting and really easy to listen to. I recently was reminded of it and rewatched it. It reminded me of all the opportunities that life presents up to appreciate the little things. Life is full of many of these awesome little things, and here are 57 of them:

1. Christmas even when it's not Christmas .

2. Waking up before your alarm and going back to sleep.

3. Driving with the windows down and the music blasting.

4. Getting into your bed after you just shaved your legs.

5. When the song you want to hear comes on the radio.

6. Getting a green light just in time so you never really have to stop.

7. Warm blankets or clothes fresh out of the dryer.

8. Finding money in your pockets.

9. Thinking about good old classic Disney shows from our childhood.

10. Peeling a clementine in one peel. 

11. Blowing a massive bubble with your gum. 

12. Taking a nap and waking up with the marks so you know it was a good nap. 

13. Fast-Forwarding through the commercials of your show and hitting play at the perfect spot.  

14. Screaming every word to your favorite song. 

15. Rubbing your tongue on your teeth right after the dentist.

16. Hitting a string of green lights on your way home. 

17. When they rub your feet during your pedicure. 

18. When something happens that brings out your inner 11-year-old. 

19. The middle part of a cinnamon roll. 

20. When it's freezing outside but the heated seats in your car get warm. 

21. Getting a text from your grandparents. 

22.  Remembering your dreams. 

23. 3:00 A.M. conversations with your best friends. 

24. Acing a test you for sure thought you failed. 

25. Acing a test you that you studied so long for. 

26. When the professor offers bonus. 

27. The smell of a new book. 

28. The beat drop of a good song. 

29. When you can smell food, and you know exactly what it is. 

30. The first cold sip of water after a hard workout. 

31. Getting out the shower and the bathroom being all warm and steamy. 

32. Getting mail. 

33. Falling asleep to the rain. 

34. When the dining hall is serving your favorite thing. 

35. When you get to the bus stop at the same time as the bus pulls up. 

36. Waking up to an email that your class is cancelled, and you can go back to sleep. 

37. When they give you an extra chicken nugget in your box. 

38. Actually finishing a chapstick. 

39. Being reunited with friends after a while, but it's like no time passed. 

40. Movie marathons on TV. 

41. When the self-checkout works, and you don't need any employee assistance. 

42. Getting your password right on the first try. 

43. Macaroni and Cheese. 

44. Throwing something at the trash can and making it. 

45. Making your best friend cry laughing. 

46. Making a perfect messy bun on the first try. 

47. Finishing a book. 

48. Hugging your mom. 

49. Your favorite team winning a big game. 

50. Watching the Super Bowl just for the commercials. 

51. Opening a fortune cookie that is so real it's insane. 

52. Buying something and knowing you got it on a really good sale. 

53. Watching the sunrise and sunset. 

54. Eating breakfast for dinner. 

55. Scrolling through your camera roll for hours. 

56. When your total is an even dollar so you don't get change. 

57. When they bring out warm fresh bread at the restaurant. 

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