Ariana Grande Moments That Left Us Shook | The Odyssey Online
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Ariana Grande Moments That Left Us Shook

An icon of the decade for the youth.

Ariana Grande Moments That Left Us Shook
Rolling Stone

Ariana Grande has become one of the most successful pop singers of the decade within a short amount of time. She's a style icon with a God-sent voice. Here are some of her most memorable moments whether she was singing, acting, or just walking down the street.

1. Her SNL Impersonations

This skit left us all in awe as she did perfect covers of some of the greatest women in the music industry. The highlight of this was when she hit the high note with ease in "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston.

2. Jimmy Fallon Musical Impersonations

Her amazing talent of mimicking other iconic singers didn't stop with SNL. She went on "The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon" and played one of his most popular games and was probably way better than anyone who's ever attempted these.

3. Playing Cat Valentine on Nickelodeon

Most people can't think of Ariana without thinking of where we first saw her, playing the sweet, yet ditsy, Cat Valentine on Nickelodeon's Victorious.

4. Dangerous Woman

This entire album is a new side of her we're happy to have. She used this soundtrack filled with bops as a way to break free from her innocent reputation she was tired of. Proof of this is in the song "Bad Decisions" where she says the line "ain't you ever seen a princess be a bad b*tch." We were absolutely shook.

5. Any Instagram Selfie She's Ever Posted

I don't need to write a description for this, it speaks for itself. Kim Kardashian West, who?

6. The Time She Sang About Her First Scandal On SNL

While everyone is waiting for her to mess up and have a "scandal," she decided to laugh about it and wrote a song about the possibilities of what her first one will be. Your fave could never.

7. The Time She Licked A Donut Before Paying For it

The worst scandal ever committed by any celebrity in pop culture.

8. Chanel #2

This show is honestly the weirdest thing to ever be on TV, and I don't know why I love it so much. I just do. All I know is that she was the most relevant part of the season, and the four episodes she was on were the best ones.

9. Her Acappella Version Of "Dangerous Woman"

Honestly, there are no words. She really did that!

She's had many unforgettable moments, but these are just a short few. At the end of the day, she's easily one of the most talented people in the music field and our generation's Mariah Carey.

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