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A Letter to the Anti-Feminist Idiots at Odyssey

Can Anything Break the Blissfully Ignorant Beliefs of These Proud Anti-Feminist Idiots in 2018?

A Letter to the Anti-Feminist Idiots at Odyssey

OKAY!! That's it! No longer can I quietly sit reading this IGNORANT ANTI-FEMINIST SHIT!! Now, I must pitch my own written fit because I don't how to stay silent when confronted with such idiotic bullshit!! But more than that, I CANNOT BELIEVE the frequency at which I see anti-feminist assays trending at the TOP of the POPS here at Odyssey. Honestly, I just don't get it! And that frustrates me so badly that I need to try writing something. So, here I go!

Let me start this right by screaming, WHAT THE F**K IS HAPPENING HERE!? How can it be that there's always an anti-feminist essay for me to read? And how can these be the thoughts and opinions of "educated" college chicks? ESPECIALLY IN 2018!! Haven't these ladies learned anything? Shouldn't they be a little more intelligent with their knowledge about society and inequalities? What makes so many of them feel the need to explain away any necessity for feminism, feminists, or any kind of male-female equality? IS THE VALUE OF KNOWLEDGE NOW DEAD?

Perhaps what they've studied failed didn't get in. Knowledge is a trick and maybe their heads are just far too thick. But if that's the case, why isn't anyone else worried? Just think of it. An entire generation of graduated nitwits; carrying papers proving they did, in fact, go to college, but they did it without absorbing any kind of knowledge. Certainly, this isn't going to be a good thing for the future of human beings.

Are we simply letting stupidity reign supreme? How about you, Odyssey? Don't you feel any kind of responsibility for the ignorance you're broadcasting to everybody? I mean, it is a multi-university kind of deal so this kind of nonsense is going to spread quickly.

Oh! So much woe about these unfortunate idiots that don't see any shame in their ignorant writing game. But I suppose, that's how it goes, as clearly they rejected EVERYTHING INTELLIGENT AND KNOWLEDGEABLE!! It's like what Thomas Gray so poetically wrote, "Where ignorance is bliss, to his folly to be wise."

That sure as shit has to be true as these ladies and their lazy, apathetic brains simply have to be much happier than me. All of the space inside their heads is still available and FREE; allocating lots of room to daydream about stupid shit like unicorns, shopping trips, glitter stickers, pop culture idiots, little kittens, underpants, or whatever other simple thoughts they keep working on inside their minds.

This might be why Gina Davis didn't mind sharing her stupidity with everybody when she wrote an article titled "I Am a Female, But I'm so over Feminists" back in May 2016. Now, HOW and/or WHY her article from two years ago is still riding high and being advertised by Odyssey is beyond my understanding, but she isn't the only one who's taken her time to write something as a means to proclaim that they are women but they ought not be identified as a feminist. Although, essays like this really do rely on arguments made from logic-lacking thoughts in order to justify the point of view that there's no longer need to fight for any kind of male-female equality in 2018.

I encountered a similar nitwit named Macy Joe Mullins last February. She wrote an essay for Odyssey in September 2017, proudly preaching against feminists and feminism stating "she'd rather be caught dead than calling herself a modern-day feminist." Oh, come now Ms. Mullins, isn't that a bit extreme? But I'm not writing this to be mean, I'm writing because I totally disagree with all of the overly-used, stereotypical, logic-lacking arguments these ladies have used to justify their anti-feminists points of view. Especially those pertaining to their beliefs that 21st-century women no longer need to worry about male-female equality or equal rights. Frequently, they begin like this.

Women have never been more respected than they are today. I think women have enough rights and these feminists need to go away. I like how it was in the "old days," when men were men, women were women, and chivalry dictated a polite kindness for all the interactions in between. Men would pay for dinners and dates. And us ladies, we loved it this way! Not like the feminists of today! They'd only get upset if a man tried to pay for the dinner they just ate. Not only that, but it's nice to know there's always going to be a gentleman to come along to rescue us damsels in distress with our flat tires and broken automobiles. What's so wrong with this? What's wrong with men being charming, sweet, and forever chivalrous like this to us? These modern-day feminists simply want this kindness to go away.

Paragraphs about rosy, "old days" usually get followed by another anti-feminist argument of a similarly absurd, stereotypical kind; any one of the old "go to" explanations idiots and fools like to use when explaining away a woman's need to stand up for some equality. Frequently, this is when biology comes in as their "game over, hard facts" excuse for why there's NO WAY there could ever be male-female equality in society.

The male body is made to endure more. Females are simply much more delicate. This is why at a certain point in life, there should be restrictions on the interactions and integrations between the two sexes. Women couldn't be tackled by a 220-pound linebacker, or be strong enough to be useful as a soldier. Our lady bodies are just different. It's not inequality. It's just science!

OMG! Is this what they seriously believe? Oh, their ignorance must be bliss! Unfortunately, it's desperately painful for me to read – again and again – IN 2018!! Especially when I think about what explanations like this mean on a much larger, grander scheme! Haven't they heard or learned anything about sexism? Didn't we all have to take a class or two about sociology or applied sciences? Did they just forget the lessons they learned there? What about the term "benevolent sexism?" Do they not know what it means?

Well, please do allow me to elaborate on what I can remember quickly (along with a little bit of Internet referencing to ensure I'm still talking true). Benevolent sexism is the exact thing these ladies are doing with their ignorant essays because it's the term to use when society, as a whole, fails to acknowledge REAL gender inequality issues and the disparities that exist in REALITY.

So, every time one of these decides to publicly express their false point of view that women are indeed sweet, affectionate, delicate things, biologically weaker and reliant on the males for the protection they provide, THEY ARE ASSISTING IN KEEPING THE OPPRESSIVE SYSTEM IN PLACE!! When women accept these nonsensical ideologies, they're actually allocating more freedom and space to accept an excuse blatant, TRUE acts of oppression that affect all female lives.

Not only that, but it allows for women to more easily doubt themselves as they don't want to be seen as a nasty woman making demands or causing trouble for others in the workspace – EVEN WHEN THAT TROUBLE IS DUE. So, exactly what is it that these chicks aren't getting about all this? Idiotic stereotypes and categorizing – OF ALL DIFFERENT KINDS – create and maintain false generalizations that make TRUE INEQUALITIES and easier oppression of individuals.

Yet, benevolent sexism doesn't act alone. It gets an assist from "hostile sexism," another social science term for when reflections of these overly negative evaluations and stereotypes, out of others as attacks on women who challenge male power. So, if you happen to be one of these ladies who takes her time to write an essay for Odyssey in which you probably proclaim your anti-feminist identity, your idiocy isn't just a shame on you, it's a shame on me, KNOWLEDGE, education, and intelligence of all kinds too!

Nevertheless, it seems this is a truth that many a nitwit will choose to believe isn't true or real about anything. But wait one moment, and think about this. How many times in a life does one need to fill out a form, application, survey, or assessment of any kind by marking a box to indicate a variable of identity; gender, race, ethnic city, religion, etc.? These forms easily line us all up into generic little boxes; little boxes to generalize very complex aspects of identity. Now, how easy it would be for someone with the power and skills to process and pick which identity rides highest in the social hierarchy?

Even these anti-feminists acknowledge the statistical existence of inequality between males and females; most notably, they refer to pay. Of course, then they continue to argue against this true, statistically proven inequality by employing nightmare-fueling stupidity and their own foolish-filters in order to keep rambling on.

I know so many females who are working and shattering the glass ceiling. Most of my bosses are females so there's no need to worry. They're making it easier for women everywhere! Plus, there are so many other females in the STEM program with me! "We're doing a kick-ass job, let's stop the complaining." Those feminists need to stop blaming men and society for these issues of inequality today.

But DAMMIT, you idiots, this doesn't actually mean anything! There's no logic to it. And how do they get to the belief that it's the feminists at fault for the way of the world today? Are they trying to say that females have somehow overpowered MAN and his place at the top of society social hierarchy?

How could that be if they know that women tend to get approximately 80% of pay equal to that of a man? And this gap and pay widens and grows with the other generalized identity variables. If you're not losing money because your lady, perhaps it's because you're black, Latino, anything other than Caucasian white. To me, that seems awfully shitty.

Apparently, none of this bothers the anti-feminist dummies and they usually close down their essays with more loud proclamations of pride and confidence in their female identity – AS LONG AS NOBODY EVER ASSOCIATES THEM WITH FEMINISTS; again, because they believe the feminist quest for equality doesn't need to be existing any longer in 2018.

Unfortunately, stupidity happens to be one of the things nobody else can fix unless the stupid is willing to attempt fixing their own ignorance. I doubt this will be the case as Odyssey seems to be editing the crap out of me; all whilst letting apathetic ignorance like this spread through the population.

Even more regrettably, I'm nearing the end of my third page and I haven't been able to pitch my fit of rage about the Equal Rights Amendment; a piece of legislation drafted by those grand old suffragettes and feminists way back in the 19th-century, shortly after winning women the right to vote.

This is when they thought about the legal aspects of inequality between males and females and decided the Constitution should really address an issue of such great importance. Therefore, they wrote up this logical amendment which could designate and guarantee EQUAL LEGAL RIGHTS for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS regardless of any single identity variable. These things being a means to end any legal distinctions between men, women, human beings in general, and the terms of divorce, property, employment, pay, and all-around human to human equality. That seems pretty smart to me and it was written pre-1920 and then introduced to Congress for the first time in 1921.

Knowing that there's already a piece of logical legislation that could end the legal inequalities still at play today has been introduced to every sitting Congress since then, almost 100 years ago, just makes me angry that there's still so far to go.

Although, since I'm again writing on this topic, my return to the ERA homepage has informed me that as of May 30, 2018, Illinois became the 37th state to ratify the ERA; which means only one more state is needed to meet the constitutional requirements of approval and agreement by three quarters of the states.

And yet, quite shamefully it's nearing the end of 2018 and this amendment still hasn't passed. Oh, how I hope 2019 will find a way to turn this tide of stupidity back the other way and that someday – sooner than later – more people will come to believe that people are people no matter the little things that inevitably turn into giant social inequalities. This is a point that makes so much sense to me as I believe in knowledge and responsibility. I don't believe in oppression – for any label's sake: gender, race, skin color, religion. One variable of an identity does not a person make! And because of this, I cannot comprehend how these others come to believe there isn't a need to challenge inequalities, deciding instead to ignorantly conform.

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