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I Just Saw Arctic Monkeys, Here's My Dream Setlist

My dream setlist for the 2018 Arctic Monkeys tour.

I Just Saw Arctic Monkeys, Here's My Dream Setlist

When a band reaches international success and has six albums under their belt, it is definitely hard to pick a setlist that pleases the audience. After seeing the Arctic Monkeys both nights in San Francisco, here is my dream yet realistic Arctic Monkeys setlist.



Although the band performed "Brianstorm" when I saw them, I would still put it on my dream setlist! I think it is a great opener and a classic from their sophomore album.

"Brianstorm" is not only a fan favorite, but it is one of the band's more energetic songs.

Mardy Bum

A fan favorite and arguably one of their most liked songs, "Mardy Bum" was not on the Arctic Monkey's setlist. The song is from their debut album, "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not."

Four out of Five


The band's newest hit, "Four out of Five" was played during their 2018 tour and has become a fan favorite. This was definitely one of the best songs of their new album and live!

Crying Lightning


Arctic Monkeys added "Crying Lightning," a fan favorite from their third album, "Humbug," to their setlist. This song was played throughout their 2018 tour and continues to get their crowd up!

The song features one of the band's best guitar solos as well.



Although the band did play this song throughout their tour, it's hard to imagine a setlist without this song on it.

505 is an alternative rock classic and a fan favorite of the Arctic Monkeys fandom.

Do I Wanna Know?


"Do I Wanna Know?" is the Arctic Monkeys most well-known song across music lovers of all genres. It is inevitable that they play this widely successful song from their fifth album, "AM."

Do Me a Favour


"Do Me A Favour" has one of the band's best guitar solos and is great for a live show! It is no mystery why the band continues to perform the hit from their sophomore album.

Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High??


"Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?" is one of the many highly rated and successful songs of the band's fifth album! It must be hard for the Arctic Monkeys to narrow down their picks from the "AM" album!

Star Treatment


"Star Treatment" is one of the band's newest songs that they chose to perform throughout their 2018 tour. Even with mixed reviews on their sixth album, "Star Treatment" continues to be a fan favorite!

Fluorescent Adolescent

"Fluorescent Adolescent" is one of the band's top rated tracks, however, the Arctic Monkeys did not play it during their 2018 tour in the United States.

I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor


Yet again, it is hard to imagine the band not performing their very first hit, "I Bet You Look Good On the Dance Floor." The band never fails to perform this song with their all and the crowd returns the energy right back!

Snap Out of It


"Snap Out of It" is one of the many hits from Arctic Monkeys' fifth album "AM." I was able to see "Snap Out of It" once out of the two shows I saw.

The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala

"The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala" is a well-known song from "Suck It and See," the band's fourth album. For some reason unknown to fans, the band does not like to play many songs from this record. This is a major disappointment because there are so many killer tracks on this record!

R U Mine?


"R U Mine?" was usually the last song played on their 2018 tour. Another smash hit for the band off of their album, "AM." The guitar, vocals, drums, and energy from the crowd were remarkable during this song!

Definitely, one of the best songs the band performs live.

One For the Road

Although, Arctic Monkeys didn't perform this track at either of my shows, they did perform this iconic track throughout their 2018 tour! This song must be off the charts live with the amazing guitar solo towards the end.

That's Where You're Wrong

Another great song from the Arctic Monkeys' fourth album! I know the fandom would love to hear more songs from "Suck It and See" including this awesome track.

A Certain Romance

"A Certain Romance" is another one of the band's early hits! Long time fans would definitely appreciate more older tracks on the setlist.



I was fortunate enough to see "Arabella" live two nights in a row! It was definitely one of my favorite songs the band performed live and it had one of the best guitar solos.

Old Yellow Bricks

"Old Yellow Bricks" is another hit from the band's sophomore album, "Favourite Worst Nightmare."

Performing the band's earlier material brings a lot of diversity to their setlist as the older tracks are definitely a different style than the band has gone towards now!

When the Sun Goes Down

"When The Sun Goes Down" is one of the band's first hits of their debut album! The song is definitely a fan favorite, however, the band failed to play it at either San Francisco show.

Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair


"Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair" is one of the only songs the band still performs from their fourth album, "Suck It and See." It's hard to imagine an Arctic Monkeys show without this song!

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