To My Big Brother
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Student Life

To My Big Brother

For my role model and my best friend as he gradutes

To My Big Brother
Victoria Aurand

I haven't written for this site in a while, but I figured if any time called for it, it was now. By the time this is published, my older brother will have graduated. He just stinken graduated college. To me, that sounds crazy because I feel like a year ago we were running down the stairs on Christmas morning to see what Santa left us and last week we were touring the country looking at colleges he would choose from. But nonetheless here we are.

My brother and I do, well did, go to the same college and I can't tell you how many people I've had ask me over the years if I came here because he did. Although I did not, going to the same college was the best choice I ever made. (Although, he might not say the same) Growing up we had always been close, we messed with each other constantly and had our fair share of fights, but had an incredible relationship. Then when he was a junior at Western, I came here as a wide eyed, somewhat shy college freshman. I was 2 and half hours from home, knowing only a few people, but having him five minutes away made it all seem okay. As freshman year passed, we saw each other occasionally. We went to church some Sundays and would grab dinner once in awhile, but I was caught up with the mumbo jumbo of being a freshman and all that entailed. He still helped me out frequently and was always there for me, but he gave me space and time to figure out who I was and who I wanted to be. Then sophomore year came around and we were in the same apartment complex. If you asked him, he may not have been quite as excited to have his baby sister 200 yards away with a key to his house to be all up in his business. But I was ecstatic. Sophomore year was filled with sunday morning church services, Wednesday night FCA’s, etc., which led to a lot more sibling bonding. That summer he had asked me to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic with him and some of his friends and people from a group called FCA over spring break. Little did I know back then, that trip and those people would largely shape my college career. Our spring break trip was life changing for both of us, I would say. Growing closer with each other, God and those we were surrounded with. I truly don’t know if I would be where I am today without that trip and it was all thanks to him. (Note this because it will become a common occurrence.) Our trip was such an outstanding experience, I struggle to put into words the effect it had on to me. All that I can say was that it was good. The Godly good that could not been any better. It shattered any expectation or hopes I could of had, and I'm so thankful. FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) started as a group I went to on Wednesday’s when I could and today I look at those people as a family here at school. At first, I followed Andrew around, not knowing anybody else except a couple. But slowly, I found my people. After the trip it became a mini-reunion to see the people that I shared such an incredible week with. Not only that, but a mid week break from school, to spend an hour with God. Another thing I have all because of Andrew. That next summer was the first one I had spent away from home, so I knew it could be a struggle, but again he was there to keep me afloat. We spent one night a week at an Applebee’s bible study he started (coincidence it was at somewhere we could eat?) and he continued to save me and help me through my struggles I would run into. These struggles would include, but are not limited to technology issues, car issues, which were frequent with my ‘94 buick, tough decisions and anything inbetween. Even the second job I had gotten was one that he lined me up with. The bottom line was nomatter what I needed, he was always there to answer my call. Often times going way beyond what would be expected. Junior year was the year I would say we became the closest we have ever been, especially the past few months. Wednesday night FCA’s were no longer a “if I have time” they were a for certain. I begin to invite others and soon enough I had a table full of some of my best friends and was no longer andrew's shadow. Friday nights were bible studies at “The Ball Shack” (please don’t ask questions that’s just what they called their apartment *RIP*). Weekly dinners were of course at chipotle when we could fit them in our crazy schedule. Spring break was again spent on a mission trip, but this time one that he co-planned. We spent 7 days together, pretty much 18-20 hours a day and I couldn’t be more thankful. Another week that changed me. We met even more friends that are as close as family and meeting them is something else I have to thank him for. (Do we see a trend yet?) As I felt his departure nearing these past few weeks and months, I soaked up every chance I could to be around him. I am being 100% serious when I say I would not have made it to where I am in college and my life without him here, there really isn't a way to put it into words how grateful I am, but that brings us to the present time.

I can not say thank you enough to my best friend for putting up with me all these years, especially in college. I know I have made him mad at times ,like when I got the engine light to come on after 1 week with a new car, and I’m sure many more times than that. But I truly mean it when I say I wouldn’t be who I am without him. He kept me grounded when I was going crazy, told me to shut up when I needed to stop talking and always reassured me that it was gonna be alright, no matter what we were facing. Most importantly, he lead me to where I am in my relationship with God. I could not be be more thankful for that because it is the most important thing in my life and I wouldn’t be where I am in my faith without all he has lead to me to and through. Anj, I can not begin to imagine not having you here, but I also could not be more excited for your future.This city truly will not be the same without you; for me and for all the lives you have touched. I will miss you, your dad jokes and instincts, the way you get me that nobody else does, being able to call you to grab dinner or just wandering over to the house to sit and chat. However, I can’t be selfish. It’s time for the world to see what I’ve always known. I’m so incredibly proud to be your sister every single day, and always will be no matter where you are. The things you will accomplish with Parker Hannifin and in your life are going to be beyond incredible and I can’t wait to see it. Congrats on graduating. All your hardwork and sacrifice finally paid off. I hope you know that you don’t suck and don’t let anybody tell you different. (I’m coming for them if they do). If you ever get lost, the three rules, a map and bible will always lead you in the right direction. Don’t forget, I will always be here cheering for you. Good luck out there big bro, even though you don’t need it one bit.

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