Dear Mom and Dad,
It's been a couple days since you left me on my own for the first time in my life. I hope you're doing alright. Mom, I hope you haven't cried too much. Dad, I hope you're helping Mom out. I want you to know that you shouldn't be sad, but you should be happy and proud. Without the support and guidance you've provided to me over the years, I wouldn't have made it to college. Thank you for raising me with the right morals and values it takes to succeed.
Thank you for teaching me that my dreams won't work unless I do. Without you pushing me to work towards my dreams growing up I wouldn't have it instilled within me that I have to work to get where I want to get. This is a value that will get me far in life.
Thank you for teaching me that things won't come easy. I have watched you work tirelessly for years. Sometimes to only fall short, but you kept trying anyways. What you both have accomplished didn't come easy, but you worked for it, making it mean so much more.
Thank you for teaching me that big things all start small. I watched our business go from a small building in the middle of nowhere to a continuously expanding and successful business. It didn't happen overnight. Watching this has taught me that I have to start small and keep working.
Most importantly, thanks for loving me and helping me out along the way. There is a quote I used as a caption on a photo of us one time. I still think of it when I think of my accomplishments and success. When Jane D. Hall said, "At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents," she couldn't have been more right. Thanks to your involvement in my life, I have accomplished so much already and can't wait to see what else I can achieve with you in my corner.
I am so blessed to have both of you in my life. With you as my parents, I can do anything. I know I don't let you know enough, but I really appreciate everything you do for me. I love you more than I can put into words.
Your Little Girl