Dear Lucy,
The first day I met you I thought it was love at first sight. The way you ran into my arms and batted those cute puppy dog eyes at me, I thought we would be inseparable. I thought wrong.
Although I now know that it was completely fake, the beginning of our relationship was the best. The way we would lie around on the couch together and spend hours binge-watching television shows without judgment is something that I have always cherished. You were the only person in our family that liked to watch The Bachelor with me and I appreciate your support through that emotional roller coaster of a season.
We were also there for each other for the big moments in our lives. I remember going to each and every one of your doggie obedience classes and helping you work your way toward earning your obedience school certificate. I remember how excited you were for me when I earned my high school diploma. In retrospect, I probably could have done it without your support but I still really appreciate you being there for me.
Then things took a turn for the worst. As I packed up my room and moved out of our house to attend college you decided it was time to make your move. You realized that having me out of the house meant that you could have our parents all to yourself. You knew our brother Josh was too busy with his own life to even notice what you were doing and you knew this was your chance.
You started being way more affectionate to our parents than usual. You knew when to bat your cute puppy dog eyes at them and when the perfect time was to snuggle up next to them was. They began to fall deeper and deeper in love with you and soon enough you were deemed as the "favorite child" in our parent's eyes. They gave you my bedroom, some of my old toys, and all of their attention. When I would call home to see how everyone was doing, you were always the center of the conversation whether I liked it or not. Despite my attempts to change the subject, your presence would in one way or another get thrown back in. You were all our parents ever thought about.
When I came back home on my first official college break was when our relationship was at its worse. While all my other friend's dogs were so excited to see them when they came back home this was your reaction:
I even tried to be the bigger person and pretended like I was excited to see you for our parent's sake and you just didn't care.
But you know what? I'm okay with our relationship now. I have accepted the fact that you don't like me but I am still hopeful that you will one day come back around to watch endless amounts of television with me without judgment and to be as excited for me when I graduate college as you were when I earned my high school diploma.
I still kind of love you!!!
-Your Master, Erin