An Ode To My Old Man
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An Ode To My Old Man

My dad never faltered, he always found a way to make time for me, and make time for my problems.

An Ode To My Old Man
Angeline Walker

So in a few days, my dad will be turning the big 50! And while I am sure he won't be too pleased with me telling the world about his jump over the hill, I thought it would be sweet to let everybody know what a cool guy he is and how much he has taught me through the years.

Growing up, I was an only child (cue the bad jokes and harsh criticism), so I assume it's no surprise that I did get most of the attention around my house. But, I assure you, I was not as privileged as you might be picturing. My dad was notorious for "humbling" me and bringing me back down to earth, he never let my head get too big. And for that, I am truly thankful! If it weren't for his reliable honesty and realistic comments, I definitely would not be the woman that I am today.

Deep down, I think my dad always wanted a son. (He won't ever admit that publicly, but I know it is true). I know because my dad stopped treating me like "daddy's little girl" after about age 10. I am not insinuating that he mistreated me in any way, it's just that he stopped "spoiling" me around that time, maybe partially due to our lack of funds, but I think honestly, it's because he knew how easy it would be for me to turn into one of those spoiled rotten brats. So my dad, being the martyr that he is, started treating me like a son, or at least a little bit less like a princess. He did not buy me every Barbie doll or phone or materialistic item that I wanted, not even close. My dad instilled the value of hard work, discipline, and servant-hood in me from a very young age. I got my first job at the age of 15, and I have had one ever since. Working hard and being driven was not a question or an option at my house, it was an expectation. And with my dad, expectation equals requirement, because the last thing you want is one of those two hours long, drawn out, tug at your heart strings, "I'm disappointed in you" dad talks. So you do what's expected of you, you do not even consider throwing a fit, and you get your ass to work no questions asked.

Aside from being my motivator in the working world, my dad has always been my mentor in the dating world, as well. I have been in some troubling relationships in the past, I have met some disgusting individuals while dating, and I have had some severe heartbreaks along the way. This world is scary and vicious, and the men out there are nothing short of heinous (with the exception of my current boyfriend, of course). My dad has pulled me out of some of the deepest and darkest emotional pits you can imagine. He has spoken life into me, taught me about the meaning of REAL love displayed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and brought me back to Jesus (my one true love) more times than I can even remember. My dad taught me that my worth will never be tied to a man or a relationship, and He showed me how sacred my time alone with Jesus is, and how special my "season of singleness" could be. With every bad date, every pointless crying fit, and every time I questioned if God would ever bring me, my future husband, my dad was always there either in person over a random father-daughter dinner, or sometimes on a three-hour phone call from 1000 miles away. My dad never faltered, he always found a way to make time for me, and make time for my problems. Even now, at the ripe age of 23, I talk to my dad on the phone just about every day. My dad was my first best friend, he loved me before any man could come along and mess me up, he even loved me from my first breath; and aside from the Almighty God, how many people can I truly say that about?

Lastly, my dad has not had it easy in his 50 years. The constant love, adoration, respect, and grace he has shown my mother continues to astound me each day. They have been married for just over 28 years, and if you knew every detail of their story, you would think they were both crazy for staying together. Both of my parents have experienced so much loss, pain, and turmoil in their marriage, and they somehow still love and support each other after all this time. My dad does not believe in divorce, he thinks that it is better to fight to stay with someone than to fight to leave them. My dad believes that love is more than a fleeting emotion, because he knows thatlove is a choice. And I have to say, there is nothing more beautiful than watching my father choose to love my mother every single day. His love for her is not swayed by circumstance, by sickness, by trial, or tribulation. He chooses to look past her outward flaws because he knows that who she is on the inside is someone worth fighting for. So he fights for her, he fights to stay and fights to love her, because he knows that loving her on a bad day is so much better than being without her altogether.

So here's to your pops, you have more sincerity, gentleness, kindness, compassion, and love than most people could every dream of in their lifetime. Thank you for making my childhood what it was. Thank you for always putting God first. Thank you for loving my mom with every fiber of your being. And thank you for being my biggest hero every day for the last 23 years. Here's to 50 more years daddy, because I don't think I could ever live without you.

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