An Important Message to All Americans
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An Important Message to All Americans

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: The following information contained within this article may be offensive to some viewers. Proceed with caution.

An Important Message to All Americans

A commonality in today’s world is that for some reason everyone gets so offended so easily. One wrong word, phrase, or sentence and someone is up in flames. Thus, with everyone becoming so sensitive to anything that one might say or do, I am here to say that I frankly will not give in to such a notion. My message today is not going to beat around the bush like every other one that seems to appear in the media today. I am going to tell things like they are and not sugar coat a single thing, because what good does that do anyone at the end of the day?

Now, I will admit that I do not like to get political. Whenever I hear or even discuss politics myself, I only get frustrated. But with the election right on the verge of being complete, I have a few important points to discuss that I think every single American should hear. Yes, this current presidential election is the most crucial one to date. The future of America – as well as the state of the world – is on the line in this nail-biting presidential race. I have noticed that the common consensus for this election seems to be that everyone would rather opt to not have any new president at all, given the choices for candidates that we have. I will admit that this is probably the scariest possible election that I have ever heard of. This is also the first presidential election that I have been of age to vote in. I was on the fence of whether I even wanted to vote or not because I have been so fed up with the entire process. Then I thought, why not vote? It can’t hurt to cast a ballot, even if the electoral system isn’t foolproof. I have heard from many people, my peers especially, that they will not be voting because they do not care for any candidate and they do not think their vote will make a difference. Whether it makes a difference or not, I think it is so important to at least try. No adult has any right to complain about the outcome of this election if they do not even vote.

I am now going to discuss why it so important to vote for the right candidate. Americans have a few different options as to who they might want to cast their ballots for. None are the perfect candidate, but there is one candidate in particular that I simply do not understand why they are even an option. You can essentially vote Republican, Democratic, or Third Party. We all know who the two major options are: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The common feel on both of these candidates is that they are crazy, and the idea is to pick the lessor of two evils. Although both candidates have their faults, one of them is in fault beyond reasonable measure.

If you’re thinking that I am referring to Donald Trump, then we clearly have different views on what makes a person completely unfit for a position such as the president of the United States. Again, I am tired of all this offensive nonsense, because the truth will always be the truth no matter what way it is put at the end of the day. And the truth is this: Hillary Clinton is not fit to be the next President of the United States. There is no other person that I would currently be more scared to see run this country than her. And if you for a second think that she is a good option for this country, you must be blind. Hillary Clinton is by far the sneakiest, most manipulative, scandalous cheater and liar that this country currently has to offer. We have all heard of her scandals and sketchy cover-ups that have been going on for over 20 years now. I do not need to repeat every single offense of hers in order to get my point across. It makes me sick to think that almost half of voting Americans have fallen into the trap that she has been laying out for quite some time. She weaseled her way into the White House when her husband first became president and has somehow maintained a working status there since that time. Now she has lied, cheated, and rigged her way into position as the Democratic Presidential Candidate. This woman will do anything to get what she wants, and how she gets there is very scary, we have seen it in action. And now she is doing whatever it takes to have America entirely under her hold as the next president. If you proceed to continue to turn a blind eye to all that she has done and continues to do, then I simply have no understanding or respect as to why you would want a truly evil person to be the head of our country.

Many people are choosing to vote for Hillary simply because they cannot fathom having Mr. Trump run our country. We are we all so afraid of something a little different? No, he is not a polished politician, but there is no law that says he has to be. He is simply a businessman who wants to see this country drastically changed for the better and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. Say what you want about him, but America needs more people like him. He is not “politically correct” and I respect that. He is also not bound by any other politicians or parties. Unlike Clinton, Trump is self-sufficient and does not need to drain the American people to support his campaign. Yes, he has been called many things and criticized for this and that, but any other person in his position would be just as scrutinized. Funny how no one ever made such accusations about him until he decided to run for president.

Notice the difference between Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” versus Clinton’s slogan, “Stronger Together.” Trump simply wants to make America great again, whereas Clinton says we are stronger together likely because she has every single person she can conjure grouped together under her thumb of lies and manipulation.

You may be thinking, “I still do not like either candidate, so I will just vote third party.” That choice is yours but the truth is that there is not currently a great enough margin of third party supporters and voters for a third party vote to truly outweigh the Republican and Democratic votes. Thus, a third party vote will likely only be used to swing the vote even further to the wrong person, Hillary Clinton.

If you’re still adamant that Hillary Clinton is the best choice for the future of our country and well-being, I advise you to sit down and give yourself a serious reality check – this woman needs to be imprisoned already. The fact that she is somehow still in the presidential race is proof enough of not only how easily she has scandalized her way to the top, but also goes to show just how corrupt our government is.

News flash: Yes, our current governmental system is corrupt. If, for whatever reason you feel it isn’t, take a good look at the people who really call the shots. This is not the way our government is supposed to be, yet it has taken an ugly turn for the worse in recent years, and could come to the point of no return depending on who gets seated next in the Oval Office. Our country has become so sensitive and concerned with being “politically correct.” What happened to fighting for what we truly believe in? Ensuring that our God-given rights were not infringed upon? You see, our country needs to lose this politically correct mindset and start thinking of a politically free one instead. Remember learning in fifth grade history class, about how our country’s governing system was set up to be “by the People” and “for the People?” This concept is not ancient history – at least it doesn’t have to be, and it certainly shouldn’t. We The People need to make sure we do not lose sight of our rights and freedoms as Americans to fight for what we believe and never forget that We The People call the shots.

To bring my point full circle, it is evident that many of those currently in office and people like Hillary Clinton are trying to make us lose sight of this intrinsic freedom that we are all bound to. Instead, our country’s citizens are being blinded by manipulation, propaganda, and lies from these so-called “leaders.” Let us never forget that We The People have the freedom to choose and decide just how much power our government can hold over us. The first step in working towards a better governing system is to put the right people in office to bring forth the right change. I can tell you that the person who has been calling the dirty shots behind the scenes and keeping the politically correct status quo in our government for decades now is not the one who will be bringing forth the right change. So, as you all go out and hopefully cast a ballot this election season, think long and hard about how it is not only our duty, but our right as American citizens to ensure the right change comes about. We must never, ever forget that the fate of our beloved America lies in our hands.

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