An Honest Ranking Of Every 'Harry Potter' Book
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An Honest Ranking Of Every 'Harry Potter' Book

Come on, we all have a favorite.

An Honest Ranking Of Every 'Harry Potter' Book
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As an 18-year-old, I did not exactly grow up with the "Harry Potter"novels. I did, but not in the sense that I was able to read the first novel when it was first published, and follow it since day one. However, I have followed the series literally from birth. As I write, I sit next to my four box sets of the entire series, and glare at a Hogwarts play set from the year 2000. (Fun Fact: I was born July 1999). These novels have probably been the biggest influence on me, and have inspired me to write. With that being said, let’s rank them.

(Disclaimer: I really do love every single one of these books). (But we all have favorites).

7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998)

Honestly, I loved meeting all of the Weasleys, and traveling to the Borrow. It was so fun being able to watch Harry and Ron interact outside of Hogwarts, and just live their lives as the kids that they were. Truthfully, I adored learning more about Hogwarts’s past and learning about how the Chamber of Secrets came to be. However, as I look back at all the books, I just remember this book engaging me the least. Thinking back, I have reread this book the least and watched the movie the least amount of times as well. (Fun Fact: if you watch the extended edition of "Chamber of Secrets" it literally feels like the book.)

6. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s (Philosopher’s) Stone (1997)

The book that started this whole crazy ride. Aah, remember the good days when we thought Voldemort was dead and that Snape was just a really mean teacher with greasy hair? Part of me kind of misses the innocence of it all. Not really caring about the over arching plot of the series, and just watching these children delve into the world of magical education for the very first time. Going along with Harry as he discovers the truth about who he is will always be a beautiful journey that I shall cherish forever. However, as I said before, it was just so innocent. I know that I literally just said that I kind of missed the innocence of it all, but part of me also just loves how from then on everything became very connected and the story kept growing and growing. Eh, what can I say? I am a teen, and dark, angsty content is right up my alley.

5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)

Okay, I’m not even going to sugar coat this. This book probably could have shed about 300 pages if Harry would just put aside his angst for about three seconds. Yes, I adore Harry. Yes, his angst was very reasonable. But from a reader’s standpoint, Order of the Phoenix is the point in which I become the most annoyed with our heroic protagonist. However, I truly loved the introduction of Tonks, the Order of the Phoenix, and Luna Lovegood getting all the attention she deserved. Oh my, and who can forget the most badass student group known as Dumbledore’s Army??? This book did have many high points for me, but some parts of me just cannot get past all of the angst that I had to swim through. (I still love you, Harry).

4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000)

So, "Goblet of Fire"and I have a pretty complicated relationship.To start, I first read this book fairly young, so my first impression of it was very blurred. However, I soon got my small toddler hands on the movie, and I had to watch it. Let’s just say that "Goblet of Fire"is my least favorite movie in the series. Ever since then, I had a foul vibe attached to the novel. I did not reread the book for years because of this. This all changed once I received my *fourth* HPbox set for my 16th birthday. In celebration, (yes, of my own birthday) I decided to reread the entire series.I will admit that I was pretty bummed when I reached this novel, but when I started reading it I was actually shook. Like all of the HPnovels, it was such an amazing book. I fell in love with the plot of the book, and actually found myself reading it all the time. So, I will very much pass on the movie, but this book is stellar.

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)

I LOVE this book. I do not know how many times I have gone on rants about how much I ADORE this book and everything about it. Everything from the storyline, the introduction to Sirius Black, and evening meddling with time travel which might have screwed up some of the overall story, but hey. Who cares? Everything about this year just felt so new and fresh about HP. The main characters gained some freedom, took new classes, and got to venture outside the walls of Hogwarts. Hermione was also amazing (in the entire series) in this book, and I personally related to her when she literally tried to take every course that Hogwarts offered. This book is such a highlight for me, and I would recommend it to anyone.

2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005)

UGH, I LOVED THIS BOOK. I am truly a sucker for backstories and origin stories, so learning about Voldemort’s past, and the history of his family, was something I was so enthused by. Introducing the Horcruxes was also such a vital step in the progression of the series, and was such an interesting concept to wrap my head around. In this novel, we really discovered the lengths that Voldemort would go to in order to stay immortal, and this made him an even scarier villain than he was before. However, let’s not talk about a certain death in this novel. *Low key still not over it but it’s fine*. WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007)

OH, MY GOD THIS BOOK. Let me just say, that I have read this book so many times and it never gets old. The adventure in this novel is stellar, and going on this journey with Harry, Ron, and Hermione is something that I will never forget. I remember buying this book when it was published, even though I had not even read the rest of the series yet. Just everything about this book holds such a special meaning with me. It is such a dark, interesting novel, and really delves into how a war truly rampages through a country, families, and even friends. Even coming full circle at the end, and watching my favorite three live happy lives in the end, was something that I will always cherish. 11/10 WOULD RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE. PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE SERIES!!!

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