5 Reasons Why You Should Always Keep Learning
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5 Reasons Why You Should Always Keep Learning

"Once you stop learning, you start dying." - Albert Einstein

5 Reasons Why You Should Always Keep Learning

I love school. I know, I’m one of the nerds. But I embrace my nerdiness; I own it. One reason I went back to school to get my Masters Degree in English and Creative Writing from SNHU is that I love to learn.

Something about developing new skills and making my brain flex inactive muscles takes me to my happy place. I told you – nerd.

So for those looking for an excuse to stop going to class, here are 5 reasons we should always keep learning:

1. If you’re serious about career advancement, you have to stay on top of what’s happening in your industry.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer, a graphic artist, an accountant or the CEO of a multibillion-dollar conglomerate; if you don’t stay on top of trends and updates in your industry, you’ll soon be left behind.

If you can’t stand the thought of sitting in a classroom, put on your bunny slippers and start surfing the web. More and more established professionals are offering online classes to share their wealth of knowledge and experience.

When I decided to learn about copywriting and content strategy, I found a ton of classes online. After selecting a few from Udemy – okay, so more like 12 – I am completing them at my own pace. From the comfort of my couch.

2. Make up for the lack of experience in a specific field.

I asked Jessica Palacios, Human Resources Recruiter for arc Afterschool in Los Angeles, CA what she would recommend to those looking to switch careers but who may have little to no experience in that field. Jessica advocated for taking a class. “What is experience? It’s putting into action the theories and knowledge that you acquire through learning.” Taking the initiative to expand your knowledge base is a great way to show recruiters how serious you are.

3. Maintain a healthy brain.

Henry Ford was ahead of his time in more ways than one, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

Harvard Health Publications notes, “A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age.” What does this mean for you? Learning is more important than ever to sharpen your mind and retain memory as you get older.

4. Your Bucket List is feeling awfully neglected lately.

You may or may not want to admit it, but you, dear reader, have a Bucket List. You may not call it that, but I’m sure it exists. It could be written in the back of a journal somewhere or hidden in your phone’s notes. It could also live purely in your memory. Wherever it is, your Bucket List is itching to be updated and have some things crossed off.

Didn’t you always want to learn how to surf? Or secretly want voice lessons so you could kill it at Karaoke next week? Whatever guilty pleasure is waiting on that list, go for it! Sign up for that class and satisfy your curiosity. Your brain will thank you for it.

5. Learning something new together is a great way to bond with friends, family and your significant other.

As all-encompassing as career and education can be, don’t forget to call home or hang out with your friends when you come up for air. Your support system is very important and without it, life is much more difficult than it needs to be.

Group classes have become more and more popular in recent years with the explosion of wine painting parties, cooking classes… you name it, someone has a class for it. Sites like Living Social, Groupon and newcomer, Verlocal offer discounted rates for all types of classes. Get your squad together and learn how to make pasta from an Italian-born chef then work it off with yoga by the beach. Go ahead, make memories!

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