Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend, never owned a dog. A true best friend leaves paw prints on your heart, gives you wet kisses, makes you smile on your worst days and loves you more than they love themselves. They are your friend. Your protector. Someone to play with, someone to love, and keep you company. They are faithful, true and always look up to you, because you are their leader, you are their life and their love.
Life without a dog wouldn’t be the same. We leave for the day and they give us that sad look of “please don’t leave me.” We feel bad so we toss them a bone and give them a whole speech about how we'll be home soon and how much we love them. As if they knew what we were saying. We walk out the door feeling bad, as our dogs relax, play and wait all day for us, hoping we'll return.
It’s at the time that we return when they hear our cars pull in the driveway, cars beep when we lock the doors and there they are at the other side of the door. Still, and patiently waiting. They hear the key go in the door and soon enough there we are. The best part of their day. They’re so excited, bouncing off the walls, wagging their tail, jumping on you, licking you, sometimes maybe even forgetting to breathe. They’re heart is whole again now that your home.
From the time you walk in the door, to the time you go to bed they follow you around the house like a lost puppy. They stare at you like you’re the most amazing thing on earth. You can’t cook dinner without them under your feet, can’t go to the bathroom without them staring at you, they are always there. It's not until you rest, that they rest. You finally lay on the couch or in bed for an episode of Netflix and there they are right next to you snoring and taking up half of the bed.
A dog is someone who never leaves your side. A dog is a diamond. Something so rare, beautiful and unique. They will always love you, unconditionally and always smother you with wet kisses. They’re the best kinds of friends. They don’t talk back, they listen well, watch TV with you, cuddle in bed with you, take you on adventures, they'll lick away your tears, change your life, see you at your worst and best, and love you no matter what.
Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and fill a void we didn’t even know that we had.
A dog is a Fur-ever best friend♥
“For the wag of a tail, and the bark of hello, to no other friend would I ever go – to whisper my fears and lick away tears. To run and to jump and to twirl all around there’s no better friend that I’ve ever found.” – Karen Monaghan