When White Claw came out, it was the drink of the summer. Now, it's just the drink. With very little calories, a very refreshing feeling, and so many flavors to choose from, it is quickly flying off the shelves and becoming a staple to the 21+ community.
First came the original variety pack of Lime, Black Cherry, Ruby Grapefruit, and Raspberry. Then came boxes of just Black Cherry and Mango, which debuted as a flavor in a single box.
Then, the second variety pack came out with more of a citrus palette. The already debuted Mango flavor, Watermelon, Tangerine, and Lemon make up variety pack no. 2.
Many people will argue what their favorite flavor is, or if they even like White Claw at all, but all diehard White Claw drinkers will tell you that they have their favorites, and have ones they will only drink in case of extreme emergency.
Although this is just my personal opinion, I am a White Claw aficionado and many of my opinions mirror those of others. Here are all eight classic White Claw flavors, ranked:
1. Watermelon
If you could imagine a drunk Sour Patch Kid in liquid, carbonated form... that is the Watermelon White Claw. It is delicious and 100% my first choice.
2. Black Cherry
Black Cherry was a very close second to Watermelon in my eyes. I always tell everyone that this flavor tastes exactly like a melted popsicle. 10/10 the most accessible flavor and for sure one of the best.
3. Mango
Mango is usually what I have stocked in my house, being that my mom and I both adore this flavor. Mango, to me, just feels like a tropical paradise.
4. Raspberry
This tastes almost exactly how you feel like it would. It is fruity and sweet, but fruity sweet, not candy sweet like the first two flavors. This one is definitely more delicious than I initially gave it credit.
5. Natural Lime
Lime White claw tastes like a bitter spiked Sprite. Change my mind.
6. Tangerine
If you could picture watery orange juice or Sunny D that is carbonated, that is this flavor. There is absolutely no better way to describe it.
7. Lemon
This one almost tastes like carbonated lemon water. I wouldn't say it's that good, but it definitely is drinkable in a pinch.
8. Ruby Grapefruit
No. Just no. I actually don't think I'll drink this one unless I am desperate.
I have not yet tried the 70-calorie pineapple and tangerine, so I can't speak for those newer flavors, but I hope to soon.