This is to all of the girls and guys who's idea of a fun Friday night isn't to go dress up and get drunk with her friends at a random party or bar, but to sit in with your close friends or even by yourself and watch a movie. It's okay to not want to go to parties every weekend or even ever. No one will (or at least they shouldn't) judge you for not being that kind of person.
I'm in college and partying isn't anywhere near the top of my list of things I like to do. As a matter of fact, going to an 8 am history class on a Monday is above it, along with working a double at work. People may look at me like I'm crazy but the party scene burned out fast with me. I went to at most 5 parties in my high school and first year of college and I'm already deterred from them.
Maybe it had to do with working at a pizzeria where over the summer I had to deal with drunks coming in every Sunday from the bar next door or maybe drinking and partying just isn't my thing, which is isn't for a lot of people and that is absolutely okay. You don't have to put on a nice shirt and jeans and go get drunk out of your mind to gain validation from others. In fact, no one should ever do it because it's dangerous.
We are at an age in our lives where our bodies are truly ours and so are our decisions. You can take control of your life and say you don't want to go to that "huge party" because you'd rather go out to dinner with your closest friends.
Everyone knows drinking isn't good for your body but they still decide to do it and it's okay if you decide not to. Now I am by no means trying to criticize anyone who does drink. Like I said before, your body and your decisions. However, if you're still young and have decided to not drink for the reasons and effects it has on your body then power to you. Too often people will look at this and say, "Well you're young, might as well drink up while your body can handle it." This is a really stupid thing to say. Yes, at our young age, our bodies are definitely more resilient but drinking now isn't much better than drinking later in life. People fail to realize that how we treat our bodies when we are young and still developing greatly impacts how our bodies look and respond to things as we get older. It makes no sense for people to tell you that it's better to destroy your liver now while its young. The reason it'll be worse when you are older is because you would have already damaged it when you were younger.
This isn't meant to dissuade anyone from living their lives and having a good time however they see fit. What this is meant to do is show all the people that don't go out to party it up on a Friday or Saturday night that there is nothing wrong with that and they should embrace it.