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Student Life


It's Just A Number Among Friends - Or Is It?


The big dilemma in society is age. It's a number. A number that has created endless amounts of drama in society. It's upset parents. It's angered teachers. It's made stories in the media. It's been the focus of attention for years. And there is good reason for it. If an older guy is friends with a younger girl, of course he's a pedophile, he's a pervert, he's attracted to someone younger than he is for immoral sexual purposes, he's sick minded, he's disgusting and he should be locked up. Hell, why not just lynch him and burn in at the stake in the pubic square for the world to see?

The dilemma also involves younger girls. If they are friends with an older guy, it must mean they are after his money, they want his nice house, they want him to buy them expensive gifts, they want to take advantage of his well being, they want to use his friendship as an excuse to get nice presents their parents won't buy for them, they want to get anything they can out of some unsuspecting guy that just wants to be nice to someone, they must be a leech, a moocher, a user or they must be sick minded to want to even "be" with a guy that's more than a year or two older than they are. They are whores, sluts, bitches, tramps and they should be hung up in the square and be beaten with a two by four because they are greedy and they are trying to use someone for their kindness.

That's the way society is. Age. It's just a number among friends. Or is it?

In society today, we regularly see stories of teachers (males and females) that are being inappropriate sexually with girls and boys of significantly different ages. There is a local teacher in our community that is facing years in prison for a sexual relationship with a younger girl. He even researched the laws. The story goes that she researched the laws, legal age of consent, and he took his wedding ring off before they had sex in his classroom, in his office, in his house and even in his car. But it's his fault. She had nothing to do with it. She didn't consent. She didn't do any of the research. She didn't act in a guilty manner at all. It was the guy's fault. It has to be. Correct? No. In this case it's the blame of both people that were involved. But because she was under the "legal" age of consent in the State of Michigan, he's held legally responsible and will no longer be able to work with children, most likely be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life, and lose everything he's worked for. And she walks away without a slap on the wrist.

Age is just a number among friends. But we aren't talking about friends. We aren't talking about a Florida teacher who was in her 30's and having sex with boys in 7th and 8th grade who were no older than 13 years of age. We aren't talking about a high school baseball coach at a local community school who admitted to having sexual relations with as many as a dozen underage girls while they were still in high school and then continuing this even after they graduated. We're not talking about friendships here. We are talking about a violation of the law. Adult men should know better. But teenage girls know what they're doing. They know how to behave. They know the laws. They understand that an older guy can get in trouble. But it doesn't stop them from doing what they do. They walk away with a slap on the wrist, maybe called a few inappropriate names, get a couple of expensive gifts, maybe sex from him, and he ruins his life. It's a number now. Isn't it?

Age among friends should be just that. A number. But when society steps in, they don't look at it as just a number. They look at a 16 or 17 year old girl that is "friends" with an older male say in his 30's or 40's as a sick and perverted situation. After all, he's an older guy and should know better than be friends with her. There must be sex involved somewhere, a mature older guy using an unsuspecting girl for something inappropriate and immoral, and he must be taking advantage of her. Nobody ever mentions the fact that maybe she likes him as a friend, wants to spend time with him, doesn't have a father in her life, has an older adult to talk to that she trusts, and maybe has a guy who has never hurt her, lied to her, cheat her, or even try to get in her pants and have sex with her.

Nobody ever talks about those stories these days. Because age isn't just a number among friends. Is it?

In today's society, if an older guy is friends with a younger girl, someone should call the police. They should report him. They should have him arrested, beaten or hung in the public forum. The girl? I don't know what they think should happen to her? They should tell her to make better choices in friends? They should tell her to hang out with people her own age? They should tell her to talk to her mom? Maybe they should tell her that it's her own business who she's friends with and they should stop being so goddamn nosy and mind their own business and let her make her own choices?

Maybe they should back off, let the guy and girl make their own decisions and keep their nose out of everyone's shit? But age is just a number among friends isn't it?

From the perspective of a guy, it is a very difficult situation to be in. To have younger female friends it always puts you in a judgmental position. It puts you in a difficult situation having degrading comments made about you, suggestions made that you are acting inappropriately and improper, and you should make better choices. If you are a guy, you are cast out, called names, accused of doing things that are illegal, immoral, disgusting and pathetic, and you are held accountable for things you haven't even done. If you are a girl? You are told, "I'm sorry. He shouldn't have taken advantage of you. It's not your fault."

Age is just a number after all among friends now, isn't it? No. It isn't.

Age is something that can cause the destruction of lives. Age is something that can ruin a family. Age is something that can destroy friendships. Age is something that cause judgment. Age is something that results in older men being called names that society deems as appropriate even if they've never done a thing more than befriend a girl that is younger than they are. And all the while, the girl "might" get insulted, called a whore, a slut or a greedy bitch, but she walks away.

Without a criminal record.

People do not realize many younger girls enjoy the company of older guys. They don't realize that many times a younger girl likes the fact that a guy is mature, stable, has a good job, doesn't sleep with 27 different women, doesn't do drugs, doesn't abuse women (in most cases), knows how to treat them (in most cases), and has a solid lifestyle (in most cases). People do not realize that many younger girls don't want to date a guy their own age who sexually is inept, incapable and doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. A younger girl wants a guy to take care of them, a "daddy" figure or she wants someone that knows what he wants in life.

But you just got caught. You jumped right into the trap that everyone in society jumps into. Allegations and accusations that the girl "wants" something out of an older guy. That she "expects" something. And what about him? He must have dirty, perverted, immoral and improper thoughts in his head.

Because age is just a number among friends. Isn't it?

Two people of different ages can be friends. An older guy and a younger girl can be friends without inappropriate, immoral, unethical or illegal behavior. They can socialize. They can go see movies. They can go to dinner. They can give each other a goodnight hug when they are done hanging out. As friends. They can talk on the phone. They can text. They can talk on social media. They can be appropriate. She doesn't always have to use him, lie to him, cheat him, steal from him, take advantage of him or act in a greedy, selfish and rude manner. She can respect him, she can be nice to him, she can treat him well, and more than anything, age means nothing. She can be his friend.

An older guy can be friends with a younger girl. He can give her a goodnight hug and expect nothing more. He can call her and ask her how her day is. He can spend a day with her at the mall. He can go shopping with her. He can go to a movie with her. He can call her on the phone, text her, talk to her on social media, and not be inappropriate. And he can be her friend without expecting anything, wanting anything or thinking they should spend the night together, sleep together, have sex or do anything "society" wouldn't approve of. Because it is possible to be friends with a guy and a girl of significantly different ages in today's society.

I know. Because I am one of those people.

I have younger female friends that I do not act inappropriately with. I have younger friends that I do not behave towards in an immoral way. I have younger friends that I do not expect anything out of. I have younger friends who I trust with my secrets, my life, my world, and with my bad days. I have younger female friends that I have never acted inappropriately towards and I have done nothing more than give a goodnight hug to.

So yes. Age is just a number among friends.

And society needs to mind their own business, accept that people of the opposite sex can and do maintain a rational, mature, reasonable and appropriate friendship. Or they can just stop believing it and fuck off.

The End.

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