It's the last week of the school year and you're packing all of your stuff away for the summer. It's mind-blowing as to how fast this year flew by. After the first year of college, I've learned a lot about myself and the people I became friends with. Whether it be from mistakes we've made or succeeding together, I can absolutely say that I don't regret anything. So after the first year of college, here are some of the lessons I learned the hard way.
1. Not everyone will like who you are. Although I'm not saying it's impossible for everyone to like someone, it's highly unlikely. You will have those people who you just naturally don't click with, but don't beat yourself up about it. Don't change who you are just so you can fit in.
2. It's okay to not be okay sometimes. College is stressful, and don't think that you're not normal for having a mental breakdown within a semester. Trust me, almost everyone has them. Don't be afraid to ask for support from your friends, family, or faculty on campus.
3. Do what makes you happy. During the first year of college, you're exposed to so many new things: organizations, sports, and majors. It's really hard to pick what you want to focus on as your major when you have someone trying to decide what you want for you. Forget about them and make your own decision. Don't let other people's happiness overshadow your own.
4. Talk about the tough things. You're in college for a reason: to learn and grow. You need to talk about the tough things that are going on, whether that be in a relationship, friendship, or issues in the world in general. We need to talk about the tough things in order to learn.
5. The little things count. It's so easy to get caught up in the college atmosphere. Everyone is rushing to finish those last minute assignments without realizing everything that's going on around them. Stop and take a look around and see what's happening. Ask to get coffee with someone, write a thank you note to someone you really appreciate, and hug someone you love.
6. Change is okay. It's hard to accept change. Changes include everything from where you live to the type of person you become, and they can be absolutely terrifying...But it doesn't mean that they are always negative. You've grown as a person, and don't regret that one bit.
7. It takes time. Don't beat yourself up if you haven't found your core friend group during your first year. A lot of people actually end up finding new friends every year until junior year. Sometimes, issues with finding friends are not due to the person you are, but the schedule you have. It takes time to truly find the people you can see yourself being friends with for a lifetime, and there is no rush.
8. Things will get better. It's hard to see the light on the other end of the tunnel when you're piled with exams, papers, and assignments. But things really do get better. Throughout the hard times, you become really close with other people. After putting in the hard work, it really does feel rewarding.
9. Nothing is certain. Don't get me wrong, there are some things that are certainly true. But don't count on everything turning out exactly the way you'd expected. One day you could be a chemistry major and the next you're a French major. Just enjoy the unexpected things that come along with college, and make the most out of it.
10. You get what you make out of it. The college experience is different for everyone, and thats because you get what you make out of it. Think about what type of college experience you want, and focus on how you can achieve and experience college to its fullest. That doesn't mean that you can't change your perspective on what you want.
So heres to all the first year lessons that we all have learned, and let the next three years be just as amazing.