Dear Future College Student,
You don’t know me, and you probably won’t ever meet me. I'll bet you’re wondering what the next four years will be like for you. As exciting as this time can be, it can also be very overwhelming and confusing. Here’s some advice about how to thrive in your college years and have an amazing experience.
Get involved
Whether it is an extracurricular, athletics, Greek life or any other organization, being a part of campus life is a good way to make friends, build your leadership skills and have fun.
Study, study, study
We all know that working hard in and out of class is part of college life. Make sure you schedule time to hit the books. Surround yourself with those who can help you and have study sessions. Take clear and concise notes and, if you need help, just ask your professor.
Go exploring
Is there a burger place you want to try? Or is there a cool event on campus? Grab friends and walk around campus or a nearby town.
Once a week, clean your room and reorganize so that your clothes, books and such are in order. This will come in handy later.
Travel abroad
One of the best things I did in school was an intercession in London. Your whole worldview changes when you travel, and what better time than when you're in college?
Find your passion
At the end of the day, always study something that you love. You’ll be doing better in class and be happier in college! If you already know what you love, great! If not, then college is the perfect time to figure it out. One more thing to remember is to be true to yourself. College is the time to start figuring out who you are.
You have the freedom now to create your own path, so take chances, have fun and be ready to find the real you.
A Future College Graduate