STAY AWAY from the "chain" type apartments | The Odyssey Online
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15 Pieces Of Advice From A Second Semester Junior

Because sometimes the only way to know something is to hear it from those who have been there.

15 Pieces Of Advice From A Second Semester Junior
Megan Crabb

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When I was a freshman in college, I didn't really know any upperclassmen at my school. For the most part, my friends and I had to figure out things on our own and make our own mistakes. As a junior, I now look back and wish I would've had someone there to tell me what to do and not do to make my life easier.

For those of you who don't have that upperclassmen advice, here are 15 tips you should definitely keep in mind as you start college.

Get to know your professors

I cannot stress this one enough. Even in huge lecture classes of 400 people, take the time to talk to them after class or stop by their office hours. This will be especially helpful when you are in need of a letter of recommendation for scholarships or internships down the line.

STAY AWAY from the "chain" type apartments

You know exactly what I'm talking about. These apartments are the ones that advertise around campus, that have all the crazy amenities and fancy names. What they don't tell you (or show you) is how run down these apartments can be, how much they overcharge for rent and utilities and the crap customer service they usually have. Do yourself a favor and rent from smaller, private places.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a germophobe

Wash your phone and laptop with Clorox wipes when you get home. Carry hand sanitizer with you at all times. Wash your hands as much as you can. Yes, that sounds extreme, but take it from someone who works in a hospital and sees the kinds of illnesses going around. You do NOT want to end up sick when you are so busy.

It's perfectly fine to not go out to the bars every weekend

You don't have to be blackout drunk every weekend to have fun. I have found that just hanging out with my friends and going out to dinner can be just as fun. Bars are expensive AF and drunk people can get really annoying, really fast.

The Walmart brand is just as good as brand name products

If there is anything I have learned, it is that paying more money for brand name stuff is stupid. The Great Value version of everything literally tastes and works the same. Who doesn't love saving money for better things?

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with bringing a boyfriend to college

Sooooo many people had comments to make when I told them I had a boyfriend from back in high school. Now, people are always saying how cute we are and how jealous they are of our relationship. We've been together for three years and I wouldn't change a thing. Hooking up with a different guy every weekend isn't classy and gets you absolutely nowhere.

ALWAYS get used textbooks and choose the rental option

Do not, for the love of God, buy brand new textbooks from your school's bookstore and always go for the rental option. Even if you think you will need the book later in life for your career, you will never open it again and it will just stay on your shelf collecting dust.

Take notes in an actual notebook, not on your laptop

Not only is it more satisfying to look back at, but it is also scientifically proven to help you retain information better.

Don't waste your money on a fake ID

It will most likely get taken from you and you'll look like a moron. Also, everyone in the bar knows you aren't 21, trust me.

 Do your parents a solid and get a part time job

Seriously. It honestly helps you manage your time better, you can help with school expenses and it looks good on a resume. I never understood the people who don't work. They usually just end up partying all the time. Why not make some cash and be one step ahead? Also, those of us with jobs make fun of people who don't work and complain about how stressed they are. Sorry, that's just the truth.

 Go. To. The. Gym.

The Freshman 15 is no joke and turned into the Freshman 25 for me. Most campuses have super nice rec centers, take advantage of it and keep the pounds off.

 There is nothing wrong with going to see a therapist if you need it

Mental illnesses often become worse with the stress of college, but the understanding from peers becomes better because you are all going through similar things. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to talk to somebody about it, even if your parents don't agree.

 Don't drop a class just because you read bad things on "Rate My Professor"

If I had a penny for every professor I misjudged because I read their reviews on "Rate My Professor," I could probably pay off my student loans by now. People use that site to complain about professors when 95% of the time, it was probably their own fault they didn't do well in the class.

 Practice the little habits your parents taught you, no matter how annoying

Turn off your lights when you aren't using them. Make your bed. Don't let your dishes pile up. These little things can make your life easier, and wayyyy cheaper.

 College FLIES by, so enjoy the little things while you can

Never again in your life will you have the luxury of having three day weekends every weekend due to no Friday classes or scheduling your first class for noon. Enjoy wha you have while you have it!

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