Relatable Adulting Fails | The Odyssey Online
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7 Adulting Struggles We All Experience

Everyone stumbles along the way to becoming an adult.

7 Adulting Struggles We All Experience

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With college life comes the freedom to do whatever you want, the end of worrying about curfews and parents, and the realization that adulthood is a lot harder than it looks. Paying rent and doing laundry aren't exactly part of the fun independence that you imagined when leaving your parents house. For most of us the responsibilities that come with adulting result in a few blunders along the way.

1. Only owning 1 outfit appropriate for interviews.


Laundry is another adulting skill that doesn't always get done, so you often end up with exactly zero interview appropriate outfits on interview day. Transitioning your closet from crop tops and oversized hoodies to professional looks is something that takes all of us some time.

2. You Google things you should know how to do.


Whether it's how to make out a check or which setting on the washing machine is better for whites and darks, you wouldn't dare let anyone know you're still struggling to be independent.

3. You forget to restock staple groceries.


Everyone has opened the fridge to no milk on a Saturday morning and wished they could go back to when their parents did the shopping. It was so much simpler when your favorite snacks were always on hand.

4. You haven't learned how to be a coupon queen. 


Going for store-brand products that taste exactly the same and using every discount you can find are just some of the shopping tips your Mom tried to pass down. Somehow you still leave the supermarket with a receipt you'll throw away for fear of having to face the amount of money you just spent on three day's worth of food.

5. You are constantly forgetting to make appointments.


A year has passed since your last dentist appointment and you're only just realizing without the constant nagging reminders from your parents. Though for some of us "forgetting" is really just code for avoiding having to speak to a stranger over the phone.

6. You assume going out without a jacket won't have any consequences


It's always the moment the runny nose shows up and you suddenly have a cough that won't quit that you remember you're not invincible to getting sick. All those times you were reminded to put on a jacket and it still hasn't stuck.

7. You're often losing debates with yourself.


Should I get takeout or take the time to cook myself a healthy meal? Should I buy some new workout leggings or buy my textbooks this semester? It was a lot easier making easier decisions when your mom could simply tell you "no."

No one comes prepared for how difficult the world of adulthood is which makes the mistakes inevitable. The freedom to eat ice cream for dinner and not be judged by your parents when you rewatch The Office for the 7th time makes it all worth it though.

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